For more details, check out this interactive map from NPR with information about changing USDA zone designations. Growing Zones & Hardiness Zones On Our Product Pages Hardiness Zones We list the USDA Plant Hardiness Zones to indicate where a long-lived plant (a perennial or biennial) can survive...
The Plant Hardiness Zone Map was updated for the 2024 gardening season with the addition of thousands more local weather stations. Look at your growing zone or gardening zone to understand which plants can survive your area’s climate. Did your planting zone change? What Are Planting Zones? Whe...
The USDA revised the map in 2023 to account for a warming shift. The 2023 map is about 2.5 degrees warmer across the continental United States than the former 2012 maps. The USDA has kept records for decades, publishing the first growing zone map in 1960. ...
Margaret:I moved to 6A.In 2012, I moved to 5B. Because I’ve been in the same garden for decades, I’ve seen it go a whole zone so far[laughter].And this new map, the 2023 map, utilizes data from 1991 to 2020, I think, so like a 30-year span, is that correct?
Developed a new version of the Plant Hardiness Zone Map released in a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based interactive format, updating a useful tool for gardeners and researchers for the first time since 1990 with greater accuracy and detail. 2017 Found that reducing tillage timing and freq...
Here is what the USDA has to say about their new map: This edition of the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map (PHZM) is GIS (Geographic Information System)-based for the first time. This is also the first USDA PHZM that is specifically designed for the Internet. It enables viewers to examine...
shifted into warmer half zones—from zone 10b to 11a, for example. The new data indicates that theGreat PlainsandMidwestgenerally warmed the most, while theSouthwestwarmed relatively little. Some areas, such as thePacific Northwest, may experience longer growing seasons between the last and first ...