USDA Hardiness Zones What are the main differences between an Annual or Perennial? Annuals and Perennials vary depending on where you live. If you want a perennial, shrub, or tree to survive and grow year after year, the plant must tolerate year round conditions in your area, such as the...
Hardiness Zones = Zones 8-11 (lift in winter) This means that while Dahlias can be grown in Zones 3-11, they will only be winter hardy in Zones 8-11. The tubers can be dug and stored indoors over winter, or they can be treated as annuals and replanted every year.Average...
Check out a simplified version of the official Natural Resources Canada Plant Hardiness Zone Map below, then go to theNatural Resources Canada websiteto find out which zone you live in! Natural Resources Canada Plant Hardiness Zones Map (simplified version), 2014. Click here to see the full Na...
Click here to see the full Natural Resources Canada Plant Hardiness Zones Map. Another key part of successful gardening is knowing when your frost dates are.Find your local frost dates here. What are your thoughts on planting zones? Are they accurate? What gardening zone do you live in? Let...
USDA hardiness zonesPresents a chart showing the US Department of Agriculture's hardiness zones.Horticulture
Most recently revised in 2012, the Plant Hardiness Zones Map is now more specific than ever before, GIS based, and employs an impressive new algorithm to deliver highly specific local interactive information. As stated on the USDA 2012 PHZM introduction: ...
The USDA Hardiness Zone Map was created by collecting data from news stations around the United States. Once the data is in, the process starts with determining the average minimum annual temperature per area. Based on these averages, different USDA zones have been created. ...