which will use a $2.3 million grant to construct a new facility to process manure from dairy cows and yield more than 33,000 cubic yards of composted fertilizer alternative annually. In Georgia, Reve Solutions Inc. will have $1.3 million to expand a biosol...
which will use a $2.3 million grant to construct a new facility to process manure from dairy cows and yield more than 33,000 cubic yards of composted fertilizer alternative annually. In Georgia, Reve Solutions Inc. will have $1.3 million to expand a biosolid ferti...
Major trade groups in the egg, chicken, turkey and dairy industries largely praised the plan. American Egg Board President Emily Metz said she is encouraged the administration wants to find the best response through a combination of biosecurity and exploring vaccine development. Will DOGE layoffs a...
— Commodity trader and ag industry analyst Richard Crow on cattle market:“Cattle market surged to new highs on the move. The managed money added 3,900 contracts as of Tuesday, plus more on Wednesday and Friday. Any way one wants to look at the beef market, the demand cu...
October 6, 2023 Disclaimer:Cheese Reporter makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided across our website. However, we cannot guarantee that all data is free from errors or omissions, and we assume no liability for inaccuracies. If you notice any discrepa...
Market Trends & Statistics Food Safety & Health Industry News & Developments Global Trade & Tariffs Consumer & Retail Events Supplier Directory Classified Ads Submit a Classified Ad About Us SUBSCRIBE TODAY!Topic: USDA Funding DBIA Accepting Applications For New Organic Dairy Product Distribution Grants...
Rollins can also tackle another form of inefficiency — food waste. We waste about40 percent of foodin our homes, restaurants, grocery stores and elsewhere in the production chain. We read where dairy farms, for example, havethrown thousands of gallons of subsidized milkdown the drain. ...
“USDA hasn’t yet authorized the use of a vaccine. Before making a determination, USDA will consult state leaders, poultry and dairy farmers, and public-health professionals.” Rollins added that department officials have evaluated 150 sites to address risks and will pay 75 percent of the costs...
Quantifying value beef-dairy crossbred cattle bring to beef supply chain Feb 26, 2025 | 3 Min Read Recent Headlines Cal-Maine Foods logoAgribusiness News Cal-Maine Foods enters agreement with founder’s family Feb 25, 2025 8 Min Read animal feed demand by species chart by IFEEDERMarket News ...
As lawmakers continue to wrestle with the dairy industry’s problems, several plans are being promoted. The National Farmers Union is calling for four things: updated price support to reflect cost of production; tariffs on unregulated imported dairy solids; greater market transparency; and a milk ...