An ag census special study, the Census of Aquaculture will provide comprehensive aquaculture data at the state and national levels, including production volume and methods, surface water acres and sources, and sales. Federal, state, and local governments, agribusinesses, trade associations, and produc...
Conduct the Census of Agriculture every five years, providing the only source of consistent, c...
Regarding the 2022 agriculture census, published on February 13, which covers more than 6 million data points about America’s farms and ranches and the people who operate them down to the county level, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack offered the following statement: "Today’s Census of Agricul...
American Indian Agriculture 2007 Census of Agriculture Census Procedures Build list of producers Collect & capture data Data analysis Publish report U.S.D.A. Farm Definition Any agricultural places that produce and sell, or would normally sell, $1,000 or more of agricultural products American India...
LazyData true Imports raster,utils,httr RoxygenNote6.0.1 NeedsCompilation yes Author Jonathan Lisic[cre],Lu Chen[aut],Joseph Stachelek[ctb]Repository CRAN Date/Publication2020-06-2715:50:02UTC R topics documented:census2010FIPS (2)corn (3)cotton (3)createComparableCDL (4)cultivated (5)durum...
tidyUSDA 0.4.1 用户指南说明书 Package‘tidyUSDA’October25,2023 Type Package Title A Minimal Tool Set for Gathering USDA Quick Stat Data for Analysis and Visualization Version0.4.1 Description Provides a consistent API to pull United States Department of Agriculture census and survey data from ...
The USDA eligibility map changes with each Census every 10 years. The eligibility map can also change between Censuses as the USDA considers local and state population studies. Because of these changes, it’s possible an area may appear eligible on the map even though it’s no longer eligible...
USDA NASS Quick Stats API R包说明书 Package‘usdarnass’October12,2022 Type Package Title USDA NASS Quick Stats API Version0.1.0 Description An alternative for downloading various United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)data from<>through R.You must sign up...
AFTERecentlyeleased \"Censusfgriculture\" dataevealedn erodingiddlelass inarming,.S. Departmentfgricultureecretaryom Vilsackaidhegency plansoakeoncerted effortosend expandesourcesndssistanceormallndidsizearms.\"We'vedjusted policies,trengthened programsnd intensifiedutreachoeethe needsfmallndidsized ...
FMC press release: December 18, 2018 – Collecting data at farmers markets is not a new endeavor. But until recently, the data was largely collected and used by researchers, often to understand the role farmers markets play in the broader food system. Over the last seven years, the Farmers...