NorthwestIndianWarNorthwestIndianWar ––BattleofFallenTimbersin1794BattleofFallenTimbersin1794 ––TreatyofGreenvillein1795TreatyofGreenvillein1795 ••Warof1812Warof1812 GovernmentOfficesGovernmentOffices SecretaryofNorthwestSecretaryofNorthwest Territory,1798Territory,1798 ...
“Today, Poland is the most-close partner and the most close friend for us. And, basically, it will remain as such until the end of the war,” Podoliak stated. After the hostilities end the two countries will be “competing” with each other, he added, struggling to control “these or...
Texas Society United States Daughters of 1812 is a non-profit, non-political, women's service organization for descendants of patriots who aided the American cause during the years following the American Revolution to the War of 1812.