Alpha Forex Bureau Limited, Pamstech House, Westlands, Nairobi Telephone: +254 20 445 1435/7 Classic Forex Bureau Limited, 1st Floor, Prestige Plaza, Ngong Road, Nairobi Telephone: +254 20 386 2343 Island Forex Bureau Limited, Abdulrasul Investment Building, Moi Avenue, Mombasa Telephone...
KESUSD to KES129.3942 In finance, anUSD to KES exchange rateis theUS Dollar to >Kenyan Shilling rateat which US Dollar to Kenyan Shilling will be exchanged for another. It is also regarded as the value of USD to KES in relation to another currency. For example, an interbank exchange rate...
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KenyaCPI in Kenya (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)KES-Kenyan shilling31 December 196131 December 20243.16 %0.60 % South KoreaSouth Korea CPI (Statistics Korea)KRW-South Korean won31 January 195231 January 20252.26 %0.70 % LuxembourgLuxembourg CPI (Luxembourg - Service Central de la Statistique ...