Compared to other crypto coins which started the same year as USD Coin it has above-average trading volume, average volume for the other 812 coins started in 2018 is $8M while USDC has $6B. USD Coin Quarterly Returns USD Coin Monthly Returns ...
P/S Price To Sales Ratio P/FCF Price To Free Cash Flows Ratio Show more IFRS indicators Data provided by Financial Modeling Prep Quarterly Annual Income Statement 31/12/2024thousand IDR30/09/2024thousand IDR30/06/2024thousand IDR31/03/2024thousand IDR31/12/2023thousand IDR30/09/2023thousand ...
08/10/2024 Fitch Affirms Mashreqbank's IDR at 'A'/Stable; Upgrades VR to 'bbb' (Rating action commentary) 25/06/2024 Upcoming Issue: Mashreqbank 13/06/2024 Upcoming Issue: Mashreqbank All organization news {{multipliers_ttl}} {{multipliers_sub_ttl}} {{reports_methodology}} {{multipliers...
Forecasting The Exchange Rate (IDR) of US Dollar (USD) Using Locally Stationary Waveletdoi:10.20885/eksakta.vol18.iss2.art6Dina Tri UtariUniversitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University of Indonesia)
菲律宾 Forex: Month Average: Philippine Peso to USD在2018-11达52.808 PHP/USD,相较于2018-10的54.009 PHP/USD有所下降。菲律宾 Forex: Month Average: Philippine Peso to USD数据按月度更新,1945-01至2018-11期间平均值为8.131 PHP/USD,共887份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-10,达56...
26/01/2025 Fitch Ratings revised outlook on Quad/Graphics to stable and affirmed at "B+" (LT Int. Scale (foreign curr.)) credit rating 24/01/2025 Fitch Affirms Quad's Long-Term IDR at 'B+'; Revises Outlook to Stable (Rating action commentary) 07/01/2025 S&P Global Ratings affirms...
08/10/2024 Fitch Affirms Mashreqbank's IDR at 'A'/Stable; Upgrades VR to 'bbb' (Rating action commentary) 25/06/2024 Upcoming Issue: Mashreqbank 13/06/2024 Upcoming Issue: Mashreqbank All organization news {{multipliers_ttl}} {{multipliers_sub_ttl}} {{reports_methodology}} {{multipliers...