The current exchange rate for 1 USD to PKR is approximately Rs. 279 as of 15th February 2025 which can fluctuate every hour depending on the market. It’s important to note that the exchange rate is subject to change and you should always check the most recent rate before making any ...
清空 USD兑PKR当日汇率 PKR兑USD当日汇率 来源: Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations ( 2022 ) 也可用: free currency rates (FCR) - ( 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025) Yahoo Finance (Yahoo!) - ( 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021...
Bedrag AED Omgewisseld naar USD د.إ1,000 AED = $0,2723 USD Mid-market exchange rate at 19:07 Wisselkoers volgenGeld versturenAED naar USD-koersverloop 1 AED = 0,27228 USD 0 Updated a few seconds ago Time period 48 uur 1 week 1 maand 6 maanden 12 maanden 5 jaar Middenko...
the British Pound to PKR open market is 352, UAE and Dirham is 76. The open market rates Pakistani currency exchange traders provide compute the USD/PKR exchange rate. On the other hand, bank exchange rates for the US dollar are slightly lower than those available on the open market or at...
Open Market Forex RatesInternational Forex Rates Dollar to PKR Interbank Rate Today USD to PKR interbank rate is 280.05 according to the official exchange rate set by the State Bank of Pakistan. Today, the value of 1 US dollar has decreased by -0 rupees and -0 paisa in the interbank marke...
0. This USD to PKR conversion is based on the open market conversion price, the bank rates and intermarket rates are different. The 1 USD to PKR buying and selling rates are different as well. Use the calculator below to convert US $ to Pakistan Rupees online, and check the best market...
TodayDollar Rate in Pakistanis 281.45 Rs.USD to PKR Liverates are updated every hour to give you the best conversion. ThisDollar to Pakistan Rupeeconversion price is based on open market rates which are set by the currency exchange dealers of Pakistan, also a complete history and record of US...
Today 1 USD to PKR conversion rate is PKR 291.00 in the open market. US Dollar to PKR buying and selling rates differ in interbank and currency exchange or open market rates.
CHECK:USD to PKR Rate History Today, 1 US dollar has become 224.25 rupees higher by 0 rupees 50 paisa in interbank. In the open market, the value of the dollar also increased by 0.50 rupees, after which 1 US dollar has become 224.25 rupees. In the open market, the purchase price of ...
Check live exchange rates for 1 USD to LKR with our USD to LKR chart. Exchange US dollars to Sri Lankan rupees at a great exchange rate with OFX. USD to LKR trend.