If a USCIS service center doesn't meet the target timeframe, a date will be shown. In the above example, if a particular service center cannot complete I-131 cases within three months, it will publish a date (January 1, 2009) to indicate what cases they are currently processing....
Service Center (WAC 22 012 50960)Every receipt number begins with three letters that represent the service center that received the case. There are several codes for USCIS service centers. They include: CSC - California Service CenterEAC - Eastern Adjudication Center (now known as Vermont Service...
California Service Center:csc-ncsc-followup@dhs.gov Vermont Service Center:vsc.ncscfollowup@dhs.gov Nebraska Service Center:ncscfollowup.nsc@dhs.gov Texas Service Center:tsc.ncscfollowup@dhs.gov If you do not receive a response within 21 days of contacting the Service Center, you may contact ...
Nebraska Service Center The following is the USCIS Nebraska Service Center Processing Time Report as of February 2025. FormPurposeSub-TypeNow Processing Cases with Estimated time range of: I-102 Application for Replacement/Initial Nonimmigrant Arrival/Departure Record Initial issuance or replacement of a...
California Service Center The following is the USCIS California Service Center Processing Time Report as of February 2025. FormPurposeSub-TypeNow Processing Cases with Estimated time range of: I-102 Application for Replacement/Initial Nonimmigrant Arrival/Departure Record Initial issuance or replacement of...
网络移民局服务中心;美国移民局服务中心 网络释义
MSC:MissouriService Center(密苏里州服务中心) NBC:NationalBenefits Center(国家福利中心) 近年来,美国移民局逐渐采用电子移民系统,即IOE编号,代表USCISElectronic Immigration System(美国移民局电子移民系统)。 财年代码 在服务中心代码后的两个字符表示美国公民及移民服务局受理案件的财政年度。美国政府使用财政年度进行移...
Visa petition adjudication times at both the Vermont Service Center and the California Service Center are currently wildly unpredictable—currently taking anywhere from 3 weeks to 4 months. We have been able to find no pattern, consistency, or predictability. Moreover, as always, the USCIS case pr...
How Do I Know Which USCIS Service Center? How Do I Know If USCIS Received My Application? What “Country of Residence” and How to Know Yours When on a Visa How to Check Dropbox Eligibility with the App Final Thoughts The USCIS Account Number is more than just a sequence of digits—it...