当地时间4月1日,美国移民局USCIS官网发布消息称,已经完成2024(25财年)H1B抽签的初始注册,并向中签的申请发送了通知。 (图源:uscis.gov) 中签的申请人或其代理人可以登录移民局的在线系统,查看完整的中签通知,其中包含了递交H-1B申请所需的信息...
USCIS, as part of their standardH1B registration process, for the H1B FY 2024 season, accepted H1B registrations starting from March 1st, 2023, until March 20th, 2023. They announced that the first round H1B Lottery was completed on March 27th, 2023, and they informed all the employers relate...
● Not Selected:本次注册未中签,不可提交后续材料。 ● Denied– Duplicate Registration:表示同一注册人或其代表同一受益人提交了多份注册。若因此遭拒,该注册人或其代表在本财政年内提交的所有注册均无效。 ● Invalidated-Failed Payment:表示注册提交,但支付方式遭拒、未对账、有争议或其他无效。 ● Deleted:提交...
For example, if you know the person who owns the company that submitted your H-1B cap registration for you, which was selected in the lottery, also has some ownership interest in other companies in the same industry, then a red flag should be raised.“ H-1B 受益员工需要密切注意赞助H-...
H1B Registration Process, Benefits: USCIS reiterated that the new electronic system will reduce the paperwork, save cost and streamline the overall process for employers. Under the new process, employers would need to submit basic information related to their company and the applicant. ...
野火野火 凯斯西储大学 工商管理硕士 H1BAbuse新进展!已展开大规模调查 | USCIS在Twitter上发的最新公告: USCIS is committed to preventing abuse of the H-1B registration process, by undertaking extensive fraud investigations and referrals for criminal prosecution. Only those who follow the law ...
Welcome to the guide for all things related to U.S. immigration and visits. If you are looking for more information on how to apply for a U.S. immigrant visa throughmarriage,family,employment, or any other process, please go to the corresponding pages of our site from our menu above. ...
Denied :If the H1B registration was considered as duplicate as multiple registrations were filed for the same applicant by that employer, then all such registrations for the applicant would show status as “Denied”. This means that the applicant with this status does not have any option for FY...
No Change in Filing Window for H1B Registrations:They also clarified that this delay in data entry does not change the filing window for H1B petitions for FY 2021 season. As they mentioned earlie, the filing window which is onH1B Registration Selection Notices, is still the same and it is ...
If you look at theend-to-end H1B Visa process, from submitting an H1B Registration to getting H1B Visa Stamped in the passport, there are two main agencies that you pay the fee as listed below: H1B filing withUSCIS: You work with USCIS in the first step, where you pay for registration...