Currently, USCIS has a straightforward way of determining eligibility for a fee waiver. If an applicant receives a means-tested benefit—such as Medicaid or supplemental food assistance—then they automatically qualify for a fee waiver. As of 2017, approximately 40% of all citizenship applicants req...
aU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is funded largely by application and petition fees. Waiving a fee transfers the cost of processing the application and petition for free to others through higher fees. However, we recognize that some individuals may not be able to pay the filin...
Marrying a green card holder or United States citizen opens the door to a marriage-based green card –but applicants who rush into things could fall foul of a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) rule designed to stop people from using temporary visas for unintended purposes....
虽然一些费用,如更换现有永久居民卡的费用随着这些变化会略有下降,但很多表格费用翻倍上涨,如I-129 Petition for L Nonimmigrant worker,从460美元上涨到1,385美元,涨幅达到了惊人的300%,这给将要进行非移民工作签证申请的人造成比较大的压力。 图源:移民局官网截图 USCIS表示,它将利用新的收入“改善客户体验,遏制积...