一、当收到建档信时,您需要登录CEAC系统才能进行缴付签证费和上传DS260表格,因每个类别的处理方式都有所不同,我们在这里就不详细说明了。CEAC网址链接:https://ceac.state.gov/IV/Login.aspx 二、当NVC阶段的资料全部提交完毕后,大家可以通过下方链接来查询案件审核日期,若超过了没有审核,那么就可以联系NVC去...
https://ceac.state.gov/ceac/ (复制上方链接在浏览器中打开) 最常用的包括: · 填写提交DS-160非移民签证申请: https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/ (复制上方链接在浏览器中打开) · 非移民签证个案进度查询: https://ceac.state.gov/CEACStatTracker/Status.aspx?App=NIV (复制上方链接在浏览器中打开) · ...
⏩填写提交DS-260移民签证申请:https://ceac.state.gov/IV/Login.aspx ⏩美国境内体检医师查询:https://my.uscis.gov/findadoctor ⏩美国签证进度查询:https://ceac.state.gov/ceac ⏩护照状态查询: http://www.ustraveldocs.com/cn/cn-main-contactus.asp#ChecktheStatusofYourPassport ⏩I-94出入境...
Immigratus Case Tracker provides real-time case status information, the source of this information is publicly available on https://egov.uscis.gov/casestatus/landing.do and https://ceac.state.gov/ceac/. As such we do not claim the accuracy of information and this information can not be ...
• See the latest Visa Bulletin - immigration case status uscis - usciscasestatus Disclaimer: This app does not represent or is not affiliated with, any U.S. government entity but only provides real-time case status information, which is publicly available on egov.uscis.gov/casestatus/landing...
When contacting NVC directly about an immigrant visa petition, always include the following information: NVC case number or USCIS receipt number Principal applicant’s name Principal applicant's date of birth Petitioner’s name CEAC (Consular Electronic Application Center) Email addresses...
01/21/14: Hubby dropped off medical and passport. Consulate was closed on the 20th. Was told to pick up visa on Tuesday 01/23/14: CEAC Status says ISSUED 01/28/14: Visa in hand, paid USCIS Immigrant Fee 01/31/14: POE Houston, TX ...
(are) filed in the United States. However, there is only one fee charged, even if there are multiple financial sponsors associated with a single case. This fee is paid online atceac.state.gov. You will need the National Visa Center (NVC) case number and Invoice Identification Number to ...
//egov.uscis.gov/casestatus/landing.do and https://ceac.state.gov/ceac/. As such we do not claim the accuracy of information and this information can not be used in any legal case. All case information displayed in the app is done so in compliance with the USCIS website policies (...
//egov.uscis.gov/casestatus/landing.do and https://ceac.state.gov/ceac/. As such we do not claim the accuracy of information and this information can not be used in any legal case. All case information displayed in the app is done so in compliance with the USCIS website policies (...