USC sees this as just the beginning of their financial aid makeover. They look forward to advancing their financial aid package to provide higher education to even more students. According to Undergraduate Student Government President Trenton Stone, “Financial barriers should not be a deal-breaker ...
当然,喜欢程序向的同学也可以考虑南加州大学(USC)的维特比工程学院(Viterbi School of Engineering),其游戏开发本科及研究生项目(BS in Computer Science Games/MS in Game Development)是非常出色的。 南加州大学(USC)本科每年学费及生活杂费预算(来源: 复制网址打开
We create, innovate, challenge and build new knowledge that impacts lives today — as we prepare our students to change tomorrow’s world for the better. With undergraduate education and graduate degree programs across 23 sc...
registrar’s offices and financial aid. She was also an adjunct associate professor in the Rossier School of Education. Ishop’s tenure was notable for offering USC’s Affordability Initiative, which awards free tuition to first-year undergraduate students whose families make $80,000 or less each...
Here'show USC describes its ideal applicantson its undergraduate admissions website: "Outside of mathematics, no specific curriculum is prescribed or required, though students offered admission typically pursue the most rigorous program available to them in English, science, social studies, foreign langu...
只有本科期间在IDeATe(Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology)辅修(undergraduate minor)游戏设计专业。
只有 undergraduate admission graduate admission financial aid FAQ...几个按钮在最底下 上面有...
For that same academic year, the undergraduate tuition was $66,640 and fees were $1,488. But total expected costs for room and board, books, tuition, fees, and general costs of living on campus total more than $90,000. The average amount of student aid, including private and federal gr...
最后提一下,严格意义上说卡耐基梅隆/CMU没有游戏设计本科,只有本科期间在IDeATe(Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology)辅修(undergraduate minor)游戏设计专业。 如果想要咨询更多问题,可以直接给我私信。 十多年美国生活和游戏行业经验分享一些干货知识~可以解答游戏设计学习,新人入行,游戏设计留学,作品集准备等相关...