除了上述这两个岗位之外,有些同学还会选择Data Scientist这个岗位,不过申请的同学还是比较少的,毕竟这个岗位的竞争者都是一些PhD学位的选手,光从学历上来比,你就比他们差了一大截。 其实综合来看,DTIN项目的毕业生,最好的选择就是Data Engineer这个岗位,如果你打算回国就业的话,可以选择Data Engineer这个岗位投简历;如...
Austin earned a PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the USC in 1988. USC has been criticized by the public including many former and current female students for failure to protect them from repeated and pervasive sexual harassment and misconduct of the school's former gynecologist George...
斯坦福大学MS in Management Science and Engineering管理科学与工程硕士Department of Management Science and Engineering 斯坦福大学PhD in Mechanical Engineering机械工程博士Department of Mechanical Engineering 南加州大学MS in Manufacturing Engineering工业工程硕士Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering ...
Satish是Standord的phd,讲课思路很清晰,但是总体内容比较简单。课程内容主要是一些基础的machine learning的算法,每个算法都会有对应的作业要求你自己把它实现。好好上课好好写作业的话,拿A不难。是一门非常好的machine learning的基础课。(CS下还有进阶版的machine learning,难度要更大一些)...
a Master of Business Taxation (Data and Analytics); a Master of Business Taxation for working professionals; and a Juris Doctor/Master of Business Taxation in conjunction with the USC Gould School of Law. A PhD degree wi...
(Micro/Nanoscale Science and Engineering)控制与复杂系统动力学(Controls & Dynamics of Complex Systems)动力与控制(Dynamics & Controls)绿色发展与可持续技术(Green and Sustainable Technologies)机械制造(Manufacturing)动力与振动(Dynamics and Vibrations)计算机辅助工程与设计(Computer-Aided Engineering and Design)...
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering 工业工程理学士 Bachelor of Science in Information Systems 信息系统理学士 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 信息技术理学士 Bachelor of Science in Interior Design 室内设计理学士 Bachelor of Science in Internal Auditing 内部审计理学学士 Bachelor of ...