CSCI570 算法(18spring)这是我们必修的算法课,授课老师是SS和Victor,他们每学期会交叉给我们上课。对...
Students are required to complete no less than 11 courses including 7 required courses for a minim...
better, Marshall divides its incoming class into three “cores” that take all of their required courses together. Each core is further broken down into teams of five to six students that complete group projects together; students are assigned to different teams in the fall and spring semesters....
Starting with the beginning of high school/secondary school, if you have had a gap where you were not enrolled in school during a fall or spring term, please address this gap in your educational history. You do not need to address a summer break. (Approximately 250 words) Who Is This Qu...
我身边玩的好的同学基本上都是从Spring开始准备的,不过后来我听说CS项目的很多同学,在去年Fall的时候,就已经开始刷题、准备简历和内推、参加面试了。 找实习的话,我总结了如下经验,各位可以参考一下: 1、刷题、改简历以及内推都早些准备,越早准备,越早申请和投递简历,优势越大。 2、一定要重视简历,刷题固然...
我也是usc本科的。我觉得会很难,几乎不可能。BA Music Studies是在Thornton吧。要是Ursula Franklin ...