课程内容包括: 地理空间信息管理、空间分析、数据科学编程原理、人工智能、机器学习、数据挖掘等。 公共卫生数据科学 (理学硕士) Public Health Data Science (M.S.) 课程内容包括: 人工智能基础、数据科学编程原理、 算法分析、数据挖掘基础和应用、社交网络分析、高维数据统计分析等。 商业分析 (理学硕士) Business ...
USC - Healthcare Decision Analysis; USC - Public Policy; Tufts - Public Administration;Emory - Public Health; Miami - Public Administration; Rutgers - Public Health; Fordham - Management Information System; Florida - Management Information System。 一、目标转变其实最开始,我的留学目的国是日本。为了顺...
USC Price 公共政策学院硕士项目设置如下: Master of Health Administration (MHA) Executive Master of Health Administration – Online (EMHA-OL) Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Management (MNLM) Master of Public Administration (MPA) Master of Public Administration – Online (MPA-OL) Master of Public...
This repository contains the public FTC SDK for the CENTERSTAGE (2023-2024) competition season. Welcome! This GitHub repository contains the source code that is used to build an Android app to control a FIRST Tech Challenge competition robot. To use this SDK, download/clone the entire project ...
California’s COVID-19 State of Emergency is over, but COVID-19 has not gone away. Please keep taking steps to prevent the spread. In accordance with the State of California and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s updated guidelines,Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines, ...
“Public health guidelines continue to change, and Los Angeles County has yet to approve our plans for returning to full campus operations,” stated USC Provost Charles F. Zukoski and Senior Vice President of Administration David Wright in a letter. “Los Angeles is experiencing an alarming spike...
California’s COVID-19 State of Emergency is over, but COVID-19 has not gone away. Please keep taking steps to prevent the spread. In accordance with the State of California and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s updated guidelines,Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines, ...
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publicat... Purpose ‐ The purpose of this paper is to analyze the online DVD market in Australia, which has not been researched so far, and...
As the world becomes increasingly urbanised, there is recognition that public and planetary health relies upon a ubiquitous transition to sustainable cities. Disentanglement of the complex pathways of urban design, environmental exposures, and health, and the magnitude of these associations, remains a ch...
Master of Public Health (MPH)Master of Science in BiostatisticsMaster of Science in Applied Biostatistics and EpidemiologyMaster of Science in Molecular EpidemiologyPrimary Care Physician Assistant Program Ostrow School of DentistryDoctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S)Master of Science in Dental Hygiene (M...