·所需的1000小时行政实习期,为你毕业后进入医疗保健就业市场提供必要的经验 Master of Public Administration 获得NASPAA认证的公共管理硕士(MPA)课程在公共事务学校中排名全国第四。我们的课程不仅为您未来的职业生涯做好准备,还为您提供与优秀研究中心合作的机会,让您能够在六个领域中的一个领域专攻,并提供获得额外证...
Why do you choose the MAcc program at CWRU? What are the differences you want to see on yours...
Public Policy (MPP) Public Administration (MPA) Real Estate Development (MRED) Planning (MPL)GRE score required to apply. 教育学院USCRossier School of Education Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(MAT-TESOL.) For conditional admission consideration,the MAT-TESOL program requires a minimum...