南加州大学分子与计算生物学Molecular and Computational Biology (MS) 分子与计算生物学 (MCB) 硕士学位课程是为因个人或医疗原因而无法完成博士学位课程的进入 MCB 博士课程的学生提供的最终学位。分子生物学的研究对学生提出了如此多的要求...
南加州大学计算分子生物学Computational Molecular Biology (MS) 计算分子生物学项目旨在吸引数学、统计学、生物学或计算机科学领域的应届毕业生,或对再培训感兴趣的科学家和工程师。需要商业或实验室实习。学生将为在快速扩展的计算分子生物学和生物信息学领域就业做好准备。该计划有两条轨道,适合不同的本科背景:生物学...
As a cancer computational biology lab, the Li Lab at USC (University of Southern California) Keck School of Medicine and Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center focuses on intra-tumor heterogeneity and evolution during aging via the lens of epigenomics.
2 秋、春 ▲ (Molecular Microbiology and Immunology) 神經影像學和資訊學 (Neuroimaging and Informatics) 理學碩士 (M.S.) 1 秋 ▲ GRE 公共衛生 (Public Health) 公共衛生學碩士 (M.P.H.) 2 秋、春、夏 ▲ 幹細胞生物學與再生醫學 理學碩士 (M.S.) 1 秋 ▲ (Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative...
Molecular Microbiology and Immunology(M.S.) Neuroimaging and Informatics (M.S.) Public Health (MPH) Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine(M.S.) 商院USCMarshall School of Business Global Supply Chain Management (M.S.) GRE/GMATscore is required to apply ...
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Virology, University of California, Davis, 7/1992 近期论文 查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认) Fu, Y., Slaymaker, I. M., Wang, J., Wang, G., Chen,Fu, X. S., Slaymaker, I. M., Wang, J., Wang, G., Chen...
MATH 542 : Analysis of Variance and Design Fall 2015 CSCI 567 : Machine Learning MATH 547 : Methods of Statistical Inference MATH 578B : Computational Molecular Biology MATH 650 : Seminar in Statistical Consulting Summer 2015 CSCI 585 : Database Systems PM 510 : Biostatistics Spring 2015 BISC...
As a licensed architect concerned about the environment, Doris Sung became fed up catering to clients wanting steel and glass buildings with no regard to how such designs draw boatloads of energy, exacerbating global climate change.