本科大部分同学会在这四年辅修(minor)一个别的专业或者直接双专业(double major)。比较常见的跨专业学科方向也是和大热求职方向相匹配,一个是Marshall商学院的Marketing市场营销方向,另一个是电影学院SCA走娱乐行业的制片方向。我自己选择的就是电影艺术的minor,也上到了很多含金量超高的好莱坞导演和制片们的课程。电影...
Founded in 1885, the Keck School of Medicine of USC is part of Keck Medicine of USC, a major center of medical research, education and patient care with more than 1,600 full-time faculty members and a voluntary facul...
还有我参加了学校的AIP项目(Academic Internship Program/学术性实习项目),传媒专业的同学参与这个项目做实习可以抵掉一个专业课的中级选修课要求,既可以做实习收获经验也能获取学分一举两得。 我在Pacific Arts Movements(公司名称)的非牟利机构进行 AIP 实习,实习名称是Digital Marketing Intern(数字化营销实习生)。我...
- MKT 543, MKT 566, or Other - Market Demand and Sales Forecasting, Marketing Analytics, or Core Elective (Core Elective or Elective) - Elective Course 消费者行为专业方向的研究生: 学生必须完成19.5个单元的必修课,剩下10.5个单元的选修课。这些选修课可以是任何500级的课程(低于500级的课程不计入学位...
美本综排Top30女生 Stats (honors) & CS double major三维高,major GPA 4.0,但是实习科研背景都比较普通。实习在国内保险公司用图论算法做用户画像,为期一个月略水,能要到推荐信。有两段还在起步阶段的科研,接下去几个月会work extra hard for recommendation-baidu ,一是在学校商院做marketing analytics,偏...
Admissions officers would rather see thoughtful statements than generic answers that could be copied and pasted on any college application. Explain why you chose your major and why you want to attend USC. “It’s not a test of how well you can regurgitate our marketing material,” says Kirk ...
Hello, I'm a graduating student, I would like to ask that how many years will it take to finish the course of Bachelor in Science in Business Administration major in Development Marketing? And How much the tuition fee of this course ?
And, even if you’re interested in a major both schools offer, one may be higher ranked than the other. For example, both UCLA and USC have Engineering programs, butUS Newsranks UCLA’s program at #11 in the nation and USC’s at #30. Figuring out where your chosen programs stack up...
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