Computer Science “The USC Viterbi School of Engineering offers one of the best environments for interdisciplinary research and international collaboration in the nation. As an alumnus, I am proud of the record of innovation in our department and its affiliated centers: The Domain Name System and ...
缺点是不是非常系统,尤其对于没有Marketing背景的同学,可能会缺乏一些基础巩固。 第二、Data方向比较少,不过如果想学也有很多其他途径,比如去商学院修Certificate, 或者网课。 自己的方向很重要,不要过多地被别人影响,自己想法明确的话,会把课程利用得更好。 更多项目信息,请登陆http://www.camoonlight.com查看全美...
项目选课的自由度高(4门必须课,4们选修课),可以选择Annenberg传媒与新闻学院其他硕士项目的课程, 也可以选择两门其他学院的课程。学校的Digital lounge 提供Adobe系列的课程,每学期可以报考一门Certificate。 四门必修课 DSM-510 Introduction to Digital Social Media DSM-520 Managing Technologies for Digital Media DS...
a social science or a global emphasis. The school also offers seven master’s degrees, seven dual master’s programs, a graduate certificate, and PhD programs in gerontology and the biology of aging. The school is
Master of Arts in Science Education majors: Biology, Chemistry and Physics Post Baccalauriate Degree Courses Certificate in: Professional Education, Special Education, Teaching Special Education and Montessori Education Undergraduate Programs Bachelor of Elementary Education ...
26Visual And Performing Arts. Data collected from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) andPeterson’s Data— typically from the most recently available cohort year. In the absence of this data, information was collected directly from the school and is accurate as of the date...
• Official English translations of both trans and certificate(s) • Testscores for English language proficiency * It is highly recommended that prospective studentsprovide an official copy of their institution’s grading scale along with theirtrans. Please note that dual degree earners must submit...
21fall来说,985 3.5gpa申usc的ee,录取都极少,大多数都是985学校,3.7gpa才可能会被录取的,双非...