RT,插上U盘后,可以检测到U盘插入,可以检测到是全速设备,但是在读取设备描述符的时候,就返回USBH_BUSY了, 然后,就没有然后了。。。 是根据官方的库里的例子改的。 仿真调试,因为库里面都是状态机,也不太好找问题,哪位大哥做过这方面东西,知道的话,给我指指路吧? 最佳答案 杨帆 查看完整内容[请看2#楼] 搞...
USBH_MSC_Read10 读不到数据,while(status == USBH_MSC_BUSY ); 一直是BUSY状态,不知楼主解决...
ERROR [2895107136] (handle-libusb.h:95) failed to claim usb interface: 0, error: RS2_USB_STATUS_BUSY The camera has been updated via realsense-viewer a day ago.Thank you!MartyG-RealSense added D400 Series python raspberry pi labels Dec 16, 2020 Collaborator MartyG-RealSense commented Dec...
I Was Left in the D Ark without Hope 'I Was Terrified I Would Forget to Call the Hospital'; She Was So Busy Caring for Her Husband with Cancer She Didn't Realise She Had It Too. but That Was Only the Start of Margaretta D'Arcy's Harrowing Ordeal That Lays Bare the Calamity Fac...
【题目】As my husban d , Doug , stoo d on th e busy New Yor k city street trying to stop a cab , I angl e d th e stroll er(婴儿车) away from th e col d December win d an d rain . I knelt down an d kiss e d my daughter on he r cheek wher e veins crep...
忙的一笔as busy as bee不折腾No Z-Turn我有一只土狗。(I have to go) û收藏 转发 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...查看更多 a 69关注 200粉丝 360微博 微关系 他的关注(67) 荔枝新闻 种花家的菌事兔 微博红包 鏖战...
仿真调试现象: 1、程序会死在disk_read()函数,进一步调试,发现disk_read()函数中调用的USBH_MSC_Read10()函数一直返回忙状态USBH_MSC_BUSY。 请教各位,什么情况下会出现USBH_MSC_Read10()一直返回USBH_MSC_BUSY,一般有哪几种情况。 诚心请教,望各位不吝赐教!拜托! 使用特权 评论回复 赏 点赞相关...