一、ECM的创建过程 ECM是使用gadget框架实现一个function driver,下面介绍其必须实现基本对象和方法。 ①由于USB内核支持高速和全速(包括低速)在USB设备上,function driver可以为全速和高速定义USB描述符作为usb_descriptor_header表的一部分
Requires USB function support (SYSGEN_USBFN). USB Function Support SYSGEN_USBFN Provides support for implementing USB function model device driver (MDD)/platform dependent driver (PDD) drivers. None. Composite Function Driver SYSGEN_USBFN_COMPOSITE Provides support for using multiple USB function drive...
USBisahighlypopularbus HID,printers,scanners,mediaplayers,stillcameras,Bluetoothradios,…NewerperipheralsbeingdevelopeddailyoverUSB APIsforUSBfunctiondriversstandardizedsinceWindows98.However,itishardtowriteaWDMdriverforasimpleUSBdevice.Interestingstatistics 100%ofnewsystemshaveaUSBport(generally2.0capable)Averageuser...
Function Description lpRegisterDevice This function takes the device descriptors, validates them with the PDD, and adjusts their endpoint packet sizes. This function facilitates the configuration of the USB function controller by a function driver. lpRegisterDevice makes multiple calls to pfnIsEndpointSu...
This is a skeleton sample driver that shows how to create a Windows USB function controller driver using the USB function class extension driver (UFX). This sample demonstrates the following: Registration with the UFX class extension driver
_MACHINE\Drivers\USB\FunctionDrivers] "DefaultClientDriver"="Serial_Class" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\USB\FunctionDrivers\Serial_Class] "Dll"="serialusbfn.dll" "DeviceName"="USBFNS1:" "Prefix"="COM" "DeviceArrayIndex"=dword:0 ; Use to load different USB function serial client driver ...
USBFunctionDriverSubkey is a placeholder string that represents a client driver. Specify a DefaultClientDriver for each type of USB function client. USBFunctionDriverSubkey \Dll DLL name for the USB function client driver. USBFunctionDriverSubkey \DeviceName Identifies the name of the store to ...
USB Function Composite Device Driver Registry Settings Dynamic loading and unloading of individual client drivers USB Function Mass Storage Client Driver Registry Settings USB Function Serial Client Driver Registry Settings Show 2 more 3/26/2014
错误"Function device pointer not specified"或"Function driver exists for this instance"出现在Windows 2000系统上的安装过程中,卸载或清除注册表都不能解决这个问题,USBPRINT和USBMON文件损坏。按照下面的步骤解决这个问题: 1. 在您知道工作正常、运行Windows 2000的另外一台计算机上找到下列文件: ...
The following table shows the universal serial bus (USB) function controller driver subdirectories and files in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK directory. The USB function controller drivers support single configurations and single interfaces. ...