在uboot中,配置usb0和usb1都为host模式,实际测试只有usb1能够正常识别u盘,测量引脚电平发现USB0_DRVVBUS引脚输出低电平,而USB1_DRVVBUS能够正常输出高电平。因USB0_DRVVBUS为低导致无法给U盘设备上电。 usb phy已经配置上电,在uboot中读取usb0 usb1 phy电源配置寄存器如下: => md 0x44e10620 1 44e10620...
Hey there, could you please review the USB interface as shown? It should only be used for data transfer in the development stage. Is it ok to leave USB0_DRVVBUS and USB1_DRVVBUS floating? Thank you in advance. Greetings Daniel Hello Daniel, Thank you for the query. ...