USB-PWR USB-PWR allows easy way to add power supply to your breadboard Price1.00EUR 10 - 49 pcs0.90EUR 50 - 10000 pcs0.80EUR In Stock USB-PWR is an easy and cheap way to make your breadboarding experience easier by providing 3.3 or 5 volts from the USB to your processor or peripheral...
The STDES-USBPWRMT1 is a measurement device that can be inserted between a USB Type-C™ power source and a USB Type-C™ power sink device. The STDES-USBPWRMT1 power meter includes a USB Type-C™ receptacle connector on one side and a USB Type-C™ plug on the other side. Th...
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技术参数节选 HM-MT-USB-PWRX-010031P 产品阐述 Interface for commissioning, calibrating, and acquiring data from HART field devices Supply Input current30 mA at 5 V for modem only , 255 mA at 5 V with device power and modem Power supplyPowered by USB port , No external power required ...
TekExpress USBPWR will develop and commercialize automated compliance measurements to the needs of EPS Power market segment. This EPS-power solution would be the first to market in mobile-USB-power
TI/德州仪器 电源负载开关(路径管理) TPS2069CDBVR 电源开关 IC - 配电 Sgl Ch Current-Ltd USB Pwr Disti Switch 价格 ¥ 8.88 ¥ 8.80 ¥ 8.00 起订数 1000个起批 2000个起批 5000个起批 发货地 广东深圳 商品类型 电子元器件 、 集成电路(IC) 、 PMIC/负载驱动器 商品关键词 TPS2069CDBVR...