1.构造一个usb_driver 2.设置 probe: 2.1. 分配video_device:video_device_alloc 2.2. 设置 .fops .ioctl_ops (里面需要设置11项) 如果要用内核提供的缓冲区操作函数,还需要构造一个videobuf_queue_ops 2.3. 注册: video_register_device id_table: 表示支持哪些USB设备 3.注册: usb_register 二、分析UVC驱...
1. usb_register(&uvc_driver.driver); 2. uvc_probe uvc_register_video vdev = video_device_alloc(); vdev->fops = &uvc_fops; video_register_device 分析一个驱动程序最好的方法就是跟踪应用程序对它的调用过程 在www.usb.org下载 uvc specification, UVC规格书 UVC 1.5 Class specification.pdf : ...
1、构造一个usb_driver 2、设置 probe: 2.1 分配video_device : video_device_alloc 2.2 设置 .fops .ioctl_ops(里面需要设置11项) 如果需要内核提供的缓冲区操作函数,还需要构造一个videobuf_queue_ops 2.3 注册 :video_register_device id_table: 表示支持哪些usb设备 当将usb设备接到板子上后,如果该设备能...
The invention discloses a device driven by a USB video class (UVC) application automatic replacing system. Parts of contents in the current control set item in a registration table system path, which are recorded by a uniform UVC driver are modified according to stored equipment information by ...
The USB Video Class (UVC) driver is a Microsoft-provided AVStream minidriver that provides driver support for USB Video Class devices. When your device uses UVC, you don't need to supply your own driver. Instead, the device works automatically with the system-supplied driver....
驱动程序(device driver)是一种可以使计算机和设备通信的特殊程序,操作系统只能通过这个接口,才能控制硬件设备的工作。 详细安装请参考快速入门文档 目前QuecPython主要生成如下类型的串口和设备类型(以EC600M为例,其它平台类似): AT串口:用于AT命令交互 DIAG:用于USB Debug 输出 ...
//video设备注册 err ("video_register_device failed"); goto error; } spca50x->present = 1; if (spca50x->force_rgb) info ("data format set to RGB"); spca50x->task.sync = 0; spca50x->task.routine = auto_bh; spca50x->task.data = spca50x; ...
USB Video Device.OS installed driver. For information only. Last update7 Oct. 2013LicenceFreeOS SupportWindowsDownloadsTotal: 50,874 | Last week: 4Ranking#536 inVideo & Graphic CardsPublisherMicrosoft Users rating: 1 2 3 4 5 (53ratings) ...
The Microsoft-provided USB Video Class (UVC) driver (usbvideo.sys) is a pin-centric AVStream minidriver. It creates a filter factory for each USB Video Class?compliant device instance enumerated by the operating system. The driver also creates a pin factory for each ...
通过这个文档《摄像头驱动VID+PID大全》 来确定芯片类型,这个文件在附带的文件夹下;通过这个网页 http://www.ideasonboard.org/uvc/ 来查看是否支持 UVC,这个网站是 USB Video Class Linux device driver 的主页,里面有 UVC 的详细的介绍。根据前面的打印信息,根据自己的 ID 号, WEBEE 这里是搜索 USB 摄像头的...