Device ID : USB\VID_1908&PID_2310&MI_00\6&610FD7D&0&0000 Class : Image Child Device 2 : USB Audio Device Device ID : USB\VID_1908&PID_2310&MI_02\6&610FD7D&0&0002 Class : MEDIA--- Connection Information --- Connection Index : 0x02 (2) Connection Status : 0x01 (DeviceConnecte...
142b Arbiter Systems, Inc. 0002 Ingram 0003 Club Mac 0004 Nebraska Furniture Mart 0053 Planex 5301 GW-US54ZGL 802.11bg 0079 DragonRise Inc. 0006 Generic USB Joystick 0105 Trust International B.V. 145f NW-3100 802.11b/g 54Mbps Wireless Network Adapter [zd1211] 0145 Unknown 0112 Card Reader...
struct usb_device_id用于指定USB设备的识别信息。每个USB设备都有一个唯一的设备ID,包括供应商ID(Vendor ID,简称VID)和产品ID(Product ID,简称PID)。struct usb_device_id结构体允许驱动程序定义它们能够支持的设备列表,内核使用这个列表来匹配连接到系统的设备。 structusb_device_id {__u16 match_flags;--这个...
linux查看usbuid vid Linux系统作为一种开源操作系统,广泛应用于各种领域,包括个人电脑、服务器、嵌入式设备等。在Linux系统中,USB设备也是一种常见的外设,比如鼠标、键盘、打印机等。在使用Linux系统时,有时候我们需要查看USB设备的唯一标识符(UID)和厂商ID(VID),以便进行设备管理和识别。 在Linux系统中,我们可以使用...
struct esp_modem_usb_term_config usb_config = ESP_MODEM_DEFAULT_USB_CONFIG(0x1e0e, 0x09001, 3); // VID, PID and interface num of SIM7600E-H modem const esp_modem_dte_config_t dte_config = ESP_MODEM_DTE_DEFAULT_USB_CONFIG(usb_config); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Waiting for USB device conn...
USB\VID_2B5A&PID_0029 适用于硬件ID:USB\VID_2B5A&PID_0020 #1驱动包大小:459 KB 发布日期: 03/22/2022 版本: 开发者: Universal Audio 支持的操作系统: Windows XP (x64) 安装信息:设备类型: UniversalAudioUsbAudio_sc GUID: {e6ef7102-7f4c-4a70-a3ac-d2062dbfd341} ...
load fuse 0x89abcdef > 0x2b;load fuse 0x01234567 > 0x2c;# Program BEE_KEY0_SELload fuse 0x00003000 > 0x6;} load fuse 0x00003000 > 0x6 - Is that correct to use only region0? what does it mean?(may be have any datasheet for that) program_imxrt1020_qspi_encr...
5.1.2 REGISTER 01H: VENDOR ID (MSB) Bit Number 7:0 Bit Name VID_MSB Description Most Significant Byte of the Vendor ID: a 16-bit value that uniquely identifies the Vendor of the user device (assigned by USB-Interface Forum). Set this field using either the SMBus or I2C EEPROM ...