For example, a DisplayPort Alternate Mode adapter should be connected to the USB-C port on your PC that supports DisplayPort Alternate Mode. The device or dongle you connected to has new features for USB-C that your PC doesn’t support. The device you connected to has new features for USB...
IOCTL_UCMTCPCI_PORT_CONTROLLER_DISPLAYPORT_HPD_STATUS_CHANGED通知客戶端驅動程式 DisplayPort 連線的熱插即用偵測狀態已變更,讓驅動程式可以執行其他工作。 呼叫UcmTcpciPortControllerStart 以指示UcmTcpciCx啟動埠控制器。 UcmTcpciCx 會假設控制 USB Type-C 和 Power Delivery。 啟動埠控制器之後,UcmTcpci...
Am Assuming that when the display device is connected to USB Type-C port, negotiate the alternate mode and enter the mode (DisplayPort/MHL),this will be be supported by the default Microsoft provided USB Type-c connector client driver as per the UCSI spec. Is this assumption correct? Next ...
DisplayPortAlternateModeonUSBTypeC VESA发布的DisplayPort Alternate Mode on USB Type-C接口标准(以下简称DP交替模式),简单来说就是未来可以通过一根USB Type-C数据线达成DisplayPort信号传输以及供电的目的。接下来我们就稍微更深入一点去了解一下这个模式的运作方式。首先介绍一下USB Type-C接口标准,这是USB 3.1...
After the DFP and UFP are connected, the Type-C to DisplayPort Alternate Mode configuration sequence begins: 1. The DFP (Source) detects the "Attach" event occurred of a UFP (Sink) on its Type-C connector, provides the default voltage (5V) on its VBUS pin, and ...
After the DFP and UFP are connected, the Type-C to DisplayPort Alternate Mode configuration sequence begins: 1. The DFP (Source) detects the "Attach" event occurred of a UFP (Sink) on its Type-C connector, provides the default voltage (5V) on its VBUS pin, and starts the power ...
The Alternate Mode feature must be supported on the PC's hardware and software, and the connected device or dongle. You might also need a specific USB-C cable. Display connection might be limited Make sure the DisplayPort device you're connecting to is supported by your PC. ...
IOCTL_UCMTCPCI_PORT_CONTROLLER_DISPLAYPORT_CONFIGUREDNotifies the client driver that the DisplayPort alternate mode on the partner device has been configured with pin assignment so that the driver can perform other tasks. IOCTL_UCMTCPCI_PORT_CONTROLLER_DISPLAYPORT_HPD_STATUS_CHANGEDNotifies the cl...
IOCTL_UCMTCPCI_PORT_CONTROLLER_DISPLAYPORT_HPD_STATUS_CHANGED通知客户端驱动程序 DisplayPort 连接的热插拔检测状态已更改,以便驱动程序可以执行其他任务。 调用UcmTcpciPortControllerStart 以指示 UcmTcpciCx 启动端口控制器。 UcmTcpciCx 假定控制 USB Type-C 和电源传送。 启动端口控制器后,UcmTcpciCx 可能会开始将...
Type-C PD provides up to 100 W of power over a USB cable, as well as configures Alternate Mode (Alt Mode) over Type-C. This configuration enables other protocols such as DisplayPort (DP), high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI), Thunderbolt™, mobile high-definition link (MHL), and...