USB Type-C 接口如下:PIN定义说明:TX1+、TX1-、RX1+、RX2+:USB3.1超高速引脚;D+、D-:USB2.0高速引脚;CC1、CC2:Type-C CC控制引脚;VBUS:电源引脚;GND:数字地;Type-C CC引脚具有如下功能: 1、检测设备连接、正反插; 2、DFP( Downstream Facing Port )、UFP( Upstream Facing Port )角色的确定; 3、Typ...
Ⅱ Pin definition To understand the principle of USB Type-C, we must first understand its PN definition. Type-C port has 4 pairs of TX/RX splitter, 2 pairs of USBD+/D-, a pair of SBU. 2 CC, and there are 4 VBUS and 4 ground wires. USB Type-C plug outlet end USB Type-C so...
By connecting the USB Type-C cable to the 5V power supply, a current route from the power supply to the ground is created. Because the USB Type-C cable only has one CC wire, just one current path is produced. The CC1 pin of the DFP, for example, is connected to the CC1 pin of...
从2015年开始,USBType-C接口开始初入江湖,如今越来越多的PC、笔记本电脑、平板电脑和智能手机均已经采用或者计划这种接口设计,随着欧盟要求统一接口的强制命令发布(),连苹果也不得不往TYPE C接口并入的时候,至此USB Type-C已经正式步入整合阶段,此背景下,我们曾经使用和信赖的众多接口将何去何从,今天我们一起看看如...
一、Type-C的DP AlT Mode Type-C 上 配置 Alternative Mode(Alt Mode)。这种配置可以使得其他协议比如DP、HDMI、Thunderbolt™、MHL(mobile high-definition link),以及PCIe等在 Type C线缆上传输。以最流行的DP为例: DP Alt Mode 2Lane,针脚功能如下: ...
HDMI C Type 俗称mini-HDMI,应用于HDMI1.3版本,总共有19pin,可以说是缩小版的HDMI A type,规格为2.42mm×10.42mm,但脚位定义有所改变。主要是用在便携式设备上,例如DV、数字相机、便携式多媒体播放机等。由于大小所限,一些显卡会使用mini-HDMI,用家须使用转接头转成标准大小的Type A再连接显示器. ...
pin Battery connection point to the positive terminal of the battery pack VBUS PIN for Charge input Gate Drive Pin for Charge input PMOS from VBUS TYPE-C CC1 TYPE-C CC2 DCDC switch node, connect to output inductor DCDC 5V OUTPUT pin Charger 5V input pin Output USB DCP D1- Output USB ...
USB-C. USB Type A is the common connector for older models of desktop computers and laptops. This connector has subsets, such as USB Micro-A, USB Mini-A. USB-B is usually used on printers and scanners. USB-C is a double-sided, 24-pin connector that is compatible with the newest USB...
HDMI C Type 总共有19pin, 可以说是缩小版的HDMI A type, 但脚位定义有所改变。 主要是用在便携式装置上, 例如DV、数码相机、便携式多 媒体播放机等。 现在已有SONY HDR-DR5E DV利用此规格接头作为影 像输出接口。(常常有人称为该规格为mini-HDMI, 这可算是自行胡 ...
USB Type-C,又称USB-C,是一种通用串行总线(USB)的硬件接口形式,外观上最大特点在于其上下端完全一致,与Micro-USB相比不再区分USB正反面。再也不用被无论怎么插USB,一定是插反的魔咒所困扰!强迫症福音! USB-C接口尺寸为8.3×2.5毫米,小于当前PC的USB接口,但略大于许多手机采用的尺寸6.85×1.8毫米的micro-USB...