0x0001d000 Load Count : 1 Index : 168 File Type : Unknown Description : Version : Company : Product Name : Modified Date : N/A Created Date : N/A Filename : C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dump_dumpfve.sys File Attributes : Service Name : Service Display Name: Digital Signature : =...
移動中もUSB Power Delivery を実現する昇降圧型コンバータ 2 2017 USB Spec Voltage (V) USB 1.0 5 USB 2.0 5 USB 3.1 5 USB BC 1.2 5 USB Type-C™ 5 USB PD 5-20 表 1. USB 仕様で許される電圧,電流,電力 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Max Current (A) 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.5 1.5, 3 3-5...
a. CH0 は圧電リファレンス・センサー. b. CH1~CH3 は DUT のセンサー(IEPE,MEMS など). 3. USB Type-C ケーブルを EVAL-CN0582-USBZ に接続し,次 いでホスト PC に差し込みます. 図 14. グラフィカルなソフトウェア設定オプション 6. 表 4 に示す振動発生器に適した入力...
(not manually configured) for the UMS2 are: Battery Type and Capacity Li-ion batteries (4.2V±1% when fully charged) Ni-MH/Ni-Cd batteries (1.48V±1% when fully charged) >1,200 mAh <1,200 mAh AA/AAA C/D Standard Mode Default Charging Current Selectable Range of Charging Current 1,...
(not manually configured) for the UMS4 are: Battery Type and Capacity Li-ion batteries (4.2V±1% when fully charged) Ni-MH/Ni-Cd batteries (1.48V±1% when fully charged) >1,200 mAh <1,200 mAh AA/AAA C/D Standard Mode Default Charging Current Selectable Range of Charging Current 2,...