MICROCHIP/微芯 电机驱动器及控制器 MCP2200-I/SS USB 接口集成电路 USB-to-UART Protocol Converter w/ GPIOMCP2200-I/SS 1424 MICROCHIP/微芯 SSOP20 ¥0.2000元1~49 ¥0.1800元50~99 ¥0.1500元>=100 深圳市聚芯云创科技有限公司 4年 -- ...
深圳市方康科技有限公司 Shenzhen Fonkan Technology Co.,Ltd. 专业研发生产UHF RFID读写设备 厂家直销品质保证终身质保 黎经理: 181 3886 3906 林经理:177 2245 9391 RFID Product 当前位置: >RFID Product USB to UART converter
This is a 4 port USB hub for Raspberry Pi, provides more USB capability to your Pi, what's more, it features USB to UART converter for easy serial communication. It can work with various versions of the Pi, and the size of the board is designed to perfectly fit the Zero / Zero W....
Silabs 公司的CP2104是单芯片USB转UART桥接器控制器,它将 RS-232/RS-485 设计升级到 USB 提供了一种简单的解决方案, 包含有一个 USB 2.0 全速功能控制器、USB 收发器、振荡器、一次可编程 ROM 以及带完整 调制解调器控制信号的异步串行数据总线 (UART)。不需要其它外部 USB 组件。主要应用在USB-RS232转换器,...
FTDI FT232 USB Serial Converter Drivers 1.09M / 2018-12-17 / 免费版 FT232USB转串口线驱动能够就串口驱动问题进行便捷的处理服务,让你更好的进行usb转串口的驱动操作,使用便捷,能够快速进行各项驱动服务,达到最佳的串口驱动效果,让你更好的完成各项任务!特色介绍FTDIFT232USBSer 点击下载 pci60806a芯片驱动(...
USB to UART/I2C/SPI/JTAG Converter, Supports Multiple Interfaces | Compatible with 3.3V and 5V Logic Levels. 【Features】 [] Supports USB to 2 UART channels, USB to 1 UART + 1 I2C + 1 SPI, USB to 1 UART + 1 JTAG. [] Provides 2 high-speed UART interfaces with baud rates up to...
CP2102 USB 2.0 to UART TTL 5PIN Connector Module Serial Converter New Operating Temperature -40-+85 Condition New Type Voltage RegulatorView more DescriptionReport Item Specifications: is_customized: Yes Operating Temperature: -40 to +85°C Connectivity: USB 2.0 to UART TTL 5PIN Compatibility: Wide...
Isolated USB to UART Converter for Arduino pro mini Italia, Italy 電子類 DIY € 2,387 已認繳(總目標 € 500) 113 名支持者 原型是什麽? 原型是某種東西的初步模型。提供實物產品的專案需要向支持者展示一個基本可用的原型的文件。這個展覽透過相片、影片與其他視覺文檔,讓支持者瞭解到目前為止已...
USB to UART ConverterPaul Ren Prodigy 640 points Hello, Do we have an interface IC for USB to UART (2Port) or Ethernet transforming? Thanks! Paul5 年多前 JMMN 5 年多前 TI__Guru 60870 points Hi Paul, We only have a legacy USB to UART controller, not one for Ethernet or 2 ...
Working of FT232 chip ( USB to UART ) Converter Harini ChandranNovember 14, 20151 Comment IC Working IC FT232 is a USB to TTL Serial converter IC used in applications where USART devices need to communicate to external devices through USB. This IC is compatible with USB 2.0 speed and stand...