鑫工XGecu T76 编程器烧录器 T56升级版 +5适配器座 T76+5adapter 深圳市志睿龙电子科技有限公司 7年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥168.35 户外充电宝学生宿舍电热毯双人无线车载露营5VUSB单电褥子不包邮 胶州市风和日惠贸易行(个体工商户) 1年 回头率: 3.8% 山东 青岛市 ¥...
Type C转VGA转接头 USB CTO VGA Adapter高清适配器 USB3.1转接器 深圳市兴盈鑫科技有限公司 12年 回头率: 32.3% 广东 东莞市 ¥1.50 供应usb转type-c转接头 快充快传适配器U盘电脑手机转接头转换器 东莞市石排科思特电子厂 1年 广东 东莞市 ¥...
The GM-TTL5P USB to TTL 3.3V/5V Auto Sensing Adapter is a USB to Serial UART (TTL Auto level) adapter. It allows you to connect your computer through an available USB port and uses it as a regular serial communication. All USB protocol is handled within this adapter. There is no othe...
SerialComm's USB to 5V TTL Converter creates 4 COM ports with a FTDI driver with free shipping and 5-year replacement warranty
This post is about experimental USB to 3.3V/5V serial TTL adapter which we build recently to work with both 5V and 3.3V MCUs. This project is mainly based on CH340G seral-USB chip. CH340G is cheap and commonly available serial-USB convert IC and now it’s commonly found on Chinese ...
百度爱采购为您找到59931条最新的usb adapter 适配器 转换器产品的详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息,您还可以免费查询、发布询价信息等。
1.Power supply: USB 5V 2.Transmission distance: Maximum 1200 meters (at 9600bps) 3.Chip solution: CH340 4.Communication protocol: pure hardware device, not limited by protocol 5.Baud: up to 921600bps, supporting mutual transmission to support higher baud rate ...
USB to DC Power Cable with USB-A to Type M Barrel Plug Connection You don’t need to carry around a wall adapter to keep your 5V DC mobile device charged. This USB to 5V DC power cable features a male USB-A plug for connecting to a computer USB port and a male 5.5 mm (OD) x...
USB to DC Power Cable with USB-A to Type M Barrel Plug Connection You don’t need to carry around a wall adapter to keep your 5V DC mobile device charged. This USB to 5V DC power cable features a male USB-A plug for connecting to a computer USB port and a male 5.5 mm (OD) x...
Specifications: Connecter 1: USB Type A 2.0 Connecter 2: Micro USB Chipset: PL2303 Length: 1.8M Pinout: VCC(+5V), RX, TX, NC, GND Customization: Pinout can be customized Features: |Two Prong To Usb Adapter|Aten Usb To Serial|Rs232 Rs485| **Versatile Compatibility and Reliability** The...