2.Operational system virtual serial port driver. 3.USB to 4-Port RS-232 serial Supports Windows 95/98/Me, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista,Win7, CE, Linux ,MAC.4.Field Interfaces: RS-232 5.Transmission rate: from 300 bps to 460.8Kbps. 6.Power: From the USB port or external...
4Ports USB TO HUB分线器 TYPE-C TO USBHUB集线器 深圳市龙岗区泽铭电子经营部 12年 回头率: 47.5% 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥260.00 USB 2.0转四串口分配器 USB to 4Ports RS232 Serial Splitter 深圳市凯影科技电子有限公司 10年 回头率: 39.5% 广东 深圳市 ¥7.00 480mbps 4Ports USB Hub...
USB to TTL multi-channel/8-channel/serial port expansion module Operating Temperature normal Dissipation Power lowView more DescriptionReport Item Specifications: Product Type: Enhanced 1T 8051 Microcontroller Package Type: QFN20 Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C Dissipation Power: 1.5W Customizatio...
USB To 4-Serial Port RS-232 Converter Part number:ATC-804 In Stock : Available Datasheet User's Manual Driver & software How to order See Larger Image Descriptions Specifications Product Details Get Quote The ATC-804 is an Surge Protection USB to Port RS232 converter that is designed for PC...
USB to 4-channel TTL UART The figure below is the reference circuit diagram of the USB to quad TTL UART implemented by the CH9104 chip. The only signal lines in the diagram that need to be connected are RXDx, TXDx, and the common ground. Other signal lines such as CTSx, RTSx/TNOWx...
解决安装USB驱动时提示prolific usb-to-serial comm port 这个INF中的服务安装段落无效的步骤如下:1.鼠标右键点击设备,选择更新驱动程序。2.选择浏览计算机以查找驱动软件。3.选择从计算机的设备驱动程序列表选择。4.选择时间较早的哪个驱动程序,点击下一步。5..驱动程序正常安装。6.安装成功后感叹号没...
2. The DC5.5-2.1 interface can provide high current to power external devices 3. All four UARTs have TX/RX indicator to show the status 4. The four serial ports use XH2.54 interface Instructions for use: Use a USB cable to connect the computer to the microusb interface on the board. Af...
USB口转COM口的 一般装USB口转COM口的硬件再装了驱动就会生成了 工程上以及一些通讯中需要COM口,但是目前的笔记本都只有USB口,所以要使用COM口就装个USB转COM的小硬件,就可以使用COM口了 下载个USB转COM的驱动程序,安装后就有了,到设备管理器中查看,如有黄色的警示号(未知设备),更新一下即可...
4 Port RS-422/485 USB to Serial ServerData rate from 300 to 921,600 baudHigh Retention USB Socket, IP30 Rated CaseDrivers for all popular operating systems including Windows 8Screw Lock Power Supply (included)Lifetime Warranty and Support
SerialComm's high-quality industrial-grade USB to 4 port RS232 converter that establishes 4 RS232 COM ports with free shipping and 5-year replacement warranty