One thing you might check is the USB status in the Windows Device Manager. If you see any ...
Hello, I know this post is very old but I came across it and it was still no help so I ...
(一)无提示自动安装 确定是否自动安装好硬件驱动的方法为:右键点击我的电脑管理设备管理器若设 备列表中有USB Test and Measurement Deice (IVI)设备,右键单击该条目,选择“属性”,再 选择“详细信息”标签,在属性下拉菜单中选择“硬件ID” ,可以查看到仪器的硬件ID 属性为 “USB\VID_04B4PID_1010...
I can't see my 3rd Party USB Instrument listed in NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), but it is present as a USB Instrument in Windows Device Manager. Why am I seeing this behaviour and how can I fix it so I can communicate with my instrument? My USB device is behaving as ...
1、通讯测试,USB插上计算机后,打开系统内的设备管理器,应当看到添加了USB Test and Measurement Device(IVI)及USB序列装置,或使用软件USB Charger Software,确认通信成功。 2、软件可选择通过虚拟串口RS232或USB口连接。 3、可选择“list mode”进入list多步自动操作带载及判断,每一步皆可进行充电器的OCP、OPP测试...
免费查询更多usb test and measurement device(ivi) 监测软件详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
軟體 LabVIEW Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) 驅動程式 NI-VISA 操作系統 Windows 本教程將向您展示如何設置NI軟體以與LabVIEW中的USB儀器通訊。NI-VISA驅動程式支援兩類USB儀器:USB測試和測量類別(USBTMC)和USB RAW儀器。 USBTMC儀器符合USBTMC協議,而USB RAW儀器使用其自己的特定通訊協議。本教程將介紹...
Go library to communicate with a USB Test and Measurement Class (USBTMC) enabled USB device. Overview USBTMCis a USB device class specification for test equiment and instrumentation devices, such as oscilloscopes, digital multimeters, and function generators. USBTMC requires three endpoints: ...
PyVISA === A Python package for support of the "Virtual Instrument Software Architecture" (VISA), in order to control measurement devices and test equipment via GPIB, RS232, Ethernet or USB. Description --- The programming of measurement instruments can be real pain. There are many different ...
Data Sheet The Agilent U2722A/U2723A USB modular source measure unit is more than just a power supply – it has fast response time, and voltage and current programming/readback with high accuracy measurement capabilities. The U2722A and its enhanced version, the U2723A, are capable of four...