一般USB 主機驅動程式 (WinUSB)Yes是(因為 Windows Vista) USB 音訊進出 (USBAUDIO)Yes是 (自 Windows XP 以來) 序列裝置 (USBSER)Yes是 (自 Windows 10 起) 藍牙(BTHUSB)Yes是 (自 Windows XP 以來) 列印(usbprint)No是 (自 Windows XP 以來) ...
If you get the printer not connected error, certain fixes will help you be able to print again. Multiple scenarios cause this issue. One may be a faulty USB cable that prevents the printer to be detected by the computer. It could also be that the driver for the device is missing or co...
Windows 10 傳統型版本 Windows 8.1Microsoft提供管理 USB 印表機的 Usbprint.sys 類別驅動程式。 如需在 Windows 中實作印表機類別的相關信息,請參閱列印 - 架構和驅動程式支持網站。 大量儲存空間(08小時)USBUsbstor.sysWindows 11 Windows 10 傳統型版本 ...
Usbprint.sys 在设备设置类下枚举打印机设备:Printer{4d36e979-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}。Usbprint.sys Usbprint.infWindows 11 Windows 10 桌面版 Windows 8.1Microsoft 提供管理 USB 打印机的 Usbprint.sys 类驱动程序。 有关在 Windows 中实现打印机类的信息,请参阅打印 - 体系结构和驱动程序支持网站...
在安装 USB 打印机期间,系统提供的 INF 文件 Usbprint.inf 从本地文件 Driver.cab 获取 Usbprint.sys。 由于 Driver.cab 随操作系统一起安装,因此打印机安装程序通常不需要原始安装介质来安装 Usbprint.sys。 有关Usbprint.inf 的详细信息,请参阅连接到 USB 端口的打印机。
If you connect a USB printer to Windows 10 version 1903 or later, then shut down Windows and disconnect or shut off the printer, when you start Windows again the USB printer port will not be available in the list of printer ports....
Hvis du slutter en USB-printer til Windows 10 version 1903 eller nyere, skal du lukke Windows og afbryde forbindelsen til eller slukke for printeren, når du starter Windows igen, vil USB-printerporten ikke være tilgæ...
How to Fix Printer USB Port is Missing in Windows 10 version 1903 and above There is a new bug in Windows 10 that may cause issues with USB printers connected to your computer. If a USB printer was disconnected when Windows 10 was shut down, the OS will erase its virtual port and won...
Applies to:Windows 10, version 1709, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Original KB number:2654149 Cause This issue can be caused if any of the following situations exist: The currently loaded USB driver has become unstable or corrupt. Your PC requires an update for issues that may conflict with a ...
Step 1: Find and install the appropriate alternative driver on your computer Install a basic print driver over the Internet using Microsoft Windows Update. Make sure that the USB cable is not connected to the printer. If the USB cable is connected to the printer, disconnect it. Make sure ...