幸運的是,結合內建的 Windows 磁碟/ USB 修復工具和第三方 USB 隨身碟救援軟體,您可以免費修復隨身碟,並救回所有丟失的資料。🧰 USB 修復與救援軟體 您可以使用它來修復損壞或損壞的 USB 隨身碟。 該軟體會掃描驅動器是否有錯誤並嘗試修復它們。 此方法取決於 USB 隨身碟損壞的嚴重程度。 💻手動資料救援服務...
The Apacer USB Repair Tool works with Apacer’s own and other USB drives. You can use the tool to either format, or “restore” your USB drive to its factory settings. Both options will delete all your data. The tool will resolve any logical issues it encounters during the process. Pros...
You have learned about the best USB repair tool to fix a corrupted or damaged USB drive. Make sure you always keep your data safe before repairing the USB drive. Not all USB repair tools and solutions are reliable. If you still have problems, check out the following questions and answers....
Then, remove the drive from the USB port. Check all the other methods on the linked page: how to fix a damaged USB flash drive. 3. What's the best USB flash drive recovery tool? There are many USB recovery tools in the market. Here, we list the Top 10 for you to choose from. ...
Have you been experiencing issues with your USB flash drive? Discover the best USB repair tools to get your storage device up and running.
Here we will introduce the 7 best free USB repair tools covering the above 2 approaches, you can choose one pen drive repair tool according to your needs. No.1 Disk Error Checking (Windows) Windows computers are equipped with a built-in USB repair tool known as Disk Error Checking. This ...
USB Disk Repair Tool官方版是一款十分专业的且十铨科技官方出品的U盘修复工具,USB Disk Repair Tool官方版拥有直观的操作界面和丰富的功能!软件还是专门修复SK62XX主控的U盘,但凡是这个系列的U盘都能使用软件进行有效的修复。
如果您的 Apacer USB 隨身碟有問題,可以使用 Apacer USB 3.0 修復工具讓隨身碟再次正常運作。它有個強大的工具,像是磁碟格式化和原廠重設,加上它相容 AH1xx、AH3xx 和 AH5xx 型號。 我們將示範如何下載和使用Apacer USB 3.0修復工具,讓您的隨身碟再次正常運作。 如何下載和安裝Apacer USB 3.0修復工具 下載USB ...
USB Disk Repair Tool是一款简单易用的U盘修复工具,该工具拥有良好的U盘修复能力,可以修复U盘无法使用、读写速度慢和其它一次常见的异常问题;软件拥有两种修复模式,一种是快速修复,在该模式下您仅需要花费少量的时间就可以完成U盘的修复工作,不过修复效果有限;而使用完整修复则可以解决更多的U盘异常问题,同时也需要花费...
USB Disk Repair Tool软件简介 USB Disk Repair Tool官方版是一款十分专业的且十铨科技官方出品的U盘修复工具,USB Disk Repair Tool官方版拥有直观的操作界面和丰富的功能!软件还是专门修复SK62XX主控的U盘,但凡是这个系列的U盘都能使用软件进行有效的修复。