PHY是物理接口收发器,它实现OSI模型的物理层。IEEE-802.3标准定义了以太网PHY包括MII/GMII(介质独立接口)子层、PCS(物理编码子层)、PMA(物理介质附加)子层、PMD(物理介质相关)子层、MDI子层。 总结一下: MAC 就是以太网控制器,属于OSI的数字链路层。PHY 属于OSI的物理层(Physical layer),所以叫PHY。 MAC主要...
PHY是物理接口收发器,它实现OSI模型的物理层。IEEE-802.3标准定义了以太网PHY包括MII/GMII(介质独立接口)子层、PCS(物理编码子层)、PMA(物理介质附加)子层、PMD(物理介质相关)子层、MDI子层。 总结一下: MAC 就是以太网控制器,属于OSI的数字链路层。PHY 属于OSI的物理层(Physical layer),所以叫PHY。 MAC主要...
PHY是物理接口收发器,它实现物理层。IEEE-802.3标准定义了以太网PHY.包括MII/GMII(介质独立接口)子层,PCS(物理编码子层),PMA(物理介质附加)子层,PMD(物理介质相关)子层,MDI子层。它符合IEEE-802.3k中用于10BaseT(第14条)和100BaseTX(第24条和第25条)的规范。 以太网的通信离不开物理层 PHY 芯片的支持,以太...
值 得说明的是 STM32 的端点 RX/TX 缓冲描述表是定义在 PMA 中的,他是基于分组缓冲区描述报表寄存器(BTABLE)而定位的,各端点 RX/TX 缓冲 描述表说明是数据存储地址以及大小,这个概念需要了解,ST 提供的固件很含糊,为此,我在 usb_regs.h 文件中进行了 重新定义,如下: // USB_IP Packet Memory Area base...
1. Development Start by creating a project for the STM32H503RB in the STM32CubeIDE. Once the project creation is done, enable the USB Peripheral in Device only mode and activate its interrupt in the NVIC Settings tab. After that, increase the amount of heap and...
PMA includes three blocks, Transmitter, Receiver and SU (includes PLL, IVREF, etc.). PCS is a digital synthesis macro to perform PHY coding sub-layer function like 8bit/10bit, elastic buffer, comma detection and BERT loopback, it also includes a register interface to access interna...
Then theHAL_PCDEx_PMAConfig(…)function is called 5 times. This function configures the PMA (packet memory area) within the dedicated USB RAM memory for the STM32Gx families. It should be done for every endpoint used in the application. In this case for the endpoints 0 IN/...
//#define CONFIG_USBDEV_FSDEV_PMA_ACCESS 2 // maybe 1 or 2, many chips may have a difference /* --- DWC2 Configuration --- */ /* (5 * number of control endpoints + 8) + ((largest USB packet used / 4) + 1 for * status information) + (2 * number of OUT endpoints) + ...