2、极白色3叶数据线正极绿色5 GND 接地 黑色4 10只在0TG功能时使用ID脚高电平,系统判断主模式Standard USB Pinout & Cable Color CodePin Wire Color Function1 R9dV BUS (*5V)2 VXhUeO3 ger(H4 BbckGround(5) 5V负极Mini-USB Type Pinout & Cable Color CodePin Wire Color Function|1 RedVBUS (*5V...
6. 直接生成代码运行即可 2/在Pinout中选择USB OTG FS选项中的Device Only选项。之后在Middleware中选择...
实现步骤如下:首先,打开STM32CubeMX软件,选择STM32F401C-Discovery板子。在PinOut列中选择USB OTG FS...
The pinout described is a full featured USB-C cable supporting USB 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2. Observant readers will spot the fact that reversing the cable will result in the same connections (just changing the A and B designations) since the pinout is reversed (Note the special cases of A6, A7...
Mini-USBType-BPinout&CableColorCode PinWireColorFunction 1RedVBUS(+5V) 2WhiteD- 3GreenD+ 4Notconnected(*)ID 5BlackGround (*)Sometimes joinedtopin5viaaresistor (上图是插座的示意图) MiniUSB连接器 触点功能 1VBUS(4.4–5.25V) 2D- 3D+ 4ID 5接地 在mini-A上连接到第5针,在mini-B可以悬空亦可...
Refer to the diagram below, a 2x5 pins header has 2 S-GND pins. You can leave one of the S-GND pins unconnected. Please make sure that the color coded wires are connected to the correct pins. You might have torearrangethe wires if necessary. ...
The pinout of USB-C is as follows. Note that there is a duplicate of each connection: GND– Ground SSTXp1 (“TX1+”)– SuperSpeed differential pair #1 & 3, transmit, positive SSTXn1 (“TX1-“)– SuperSpeed differential pair #1 & 3, transmit, negative ...
Micro-B SuperSpeed pinout USB 3.0 connector pinouts USB Type-C pinout 3. 工作原理 USB是利用差分信号进行数据传输的,差分信号具有抗干扰的特性。 4. 传输模式 5. 组成结构 5.1 Transfer/Frame (传输): 从时间的维度看,USB通信是由一系列的Transfer(传输)组成的。包括四种传输类型: ...
For different device, the pinout maybe different. Firstly, please make sure your device signals are TTL 3.3V Then you need to make clear about the pinout for the Micro USB side. The board signals: TXD, RXD, GND, VCC5V, VCC3.3V
生成代码后,发现用串口工具无法正常通信,串口接收到的数据显示为乱码。USART1配置和芯片Pinout配置如下所示: 后来在网上查询了资料,发现当USB_OTG_FS功能打开时,USART1所配置的PA9、PA10引脚与 USB学习3--ST系列单片机+CubeMX+USB虚拟串口(Slave CDC模式)...