Sometimes, when the USB port is not working on your computer, your USB drive or external hard drive can't be detected. On this page, we'll show you how to fix the USB port not working issue, making your storage device showing up without losing any data.
USB ports not working Windows 10: According to users, sometimes USB ports on your PC won’t work due to this error. This can be rather serious, but you should be able to fix this problem using one of our solutions. USB not working Windows Code 43: If your USB isn’t working, you ...
If USB ports are not working on your Windows 11/10 computer, here are some working suggestions to help you resolve the issue successfully.
Causes - Why Is Your USB Boot Drive Not Working When you set PC to boot from the bootable USB but it's not working, it's important for you to figure out the exact causes first. Then, pick up the right fix to make your USB bootable again with ease. Find out the reason that make ...
8. Finally, click onInstallto install the latest Intel drivers for your PC. 9. When the driver installation is completed, reboot your computer. See if you’re able tofix USB Device Not Working in Windows 10 issue, if not then continue with the next method. ...
✅ USB Speakers not working ONLY on my PC:Hello, almost a year ago I bought USB speakers for my computer since my monitor, MSI G27C4, does not have any built in speakers. The speaker comes with...
The Windows USB not working in the boot menu issue could be caused by computer configuration or the USB drive itself. To fix it effectively, the first thing you need to do is to check where the problem is coming from. 👉Try this bootable USB on another PCthat supports booting from USB...
✅ USB tethering NOT WORKING on new built PC:Hello there,I built my first gaming pc a couple of days ago after my gaming laptop broke.I always used to connect my iPhone to my laptop via USB in...
If there is another PC handy, you can connect the USB drive to it to see if it can work as normal. If the USB can be used as normal, it indicates that all the USB ports are not working on the other computer. Then, you need to try to fix the faulty USB ports. ...
If you suspect that your motherboard USB ports are not working, replacing them isn't easy. On a desktop computer, you may be able to find a replacement board that can be slotted in without too much effort. Want to know how to fix a USB port on a laptop? It's going to take a so...