Nintendo USB Loader GX or simpley Wii USB Loader download. Install homebrew channel on Wii and play backup iso files or downloaded torrents from external hard drive or usb flash drive. Wii iso USB Loader Channel used to be compatible only with wbfs - Wii Backup File System, but now it wor...
第二步,在wiibackupmanager根目录中,打开Covers文件夹,再打开CFG文件夹,可以看到四个文件夹,分别对应不同的封面类型,下载封面会同时将四种不同类型的封面下载下来,并自动放入对应的文件夹中,随便点击一个文件夹就能看到下载的封面了。 封面下载好之后,先在SD卡根目录下建立usb-loader文件夹,并在该文件夹下建立Covers...
USB Loader GX allows you to play Wii and GameCube games from a USB storage device or an SD card, launch other homebrew apps, create backups, use cheats in games and a whole lot more. Installation Extract the apps folder to the root of your SD card and replace any existing files. ...
DownloadsToolsContactUse our modchips and softmod tools to add an external USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 Hard Drive to Nintendo WiiU and play Games and apps from the expanded storage space. Copy game backups to WiiU U Hard Drive and play them with WiiU USB Loader GX. Use WiiU Hard Drive to ...
download every Wii Ware/Virtual Console game as well as the Wii Menu being able to recognize it any higher then 32gb and the Wii menu will not recognize it but it still can be used in the homebrew channel, emulators, USB Loader GX etc. Just cannot be used for photos, extra channels ...
1、wiibackupmanager软件 2、U盘/硬盘 8G以上 3、SD卡 4G以上(用来存游戏封面) ===游戏导入=== 第一步,下载wiibackupmanager软件 第二步,将U盘/硬盘插入电脑,打开wiibackupmanager软件,在顶部工具选项中,选择格式化磁盘,并选择插入的U盘/硬盘,注意:在这之前一定要确认好U盘/硬盘里面没有重要资料,如有一定要备...