This is what I find in the Eventlog : "Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: usbipd-win. Product Version: 2.3.0. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Frans van Dorsselaer. Installation success or error status: 1603." I looked for this message but found nothing that helped...
open the usbd_conf.h. In this file, we need to replace the HAL driver header file name according to the MCU Family we are using. In this case, the STM32H503 is being used, so the include is as follows:
Reviews (0) The GW11033 USB JTAG programmer kit consists of the GW16099 JTAG programmer, 6ft USB extension cable. The GW11033 is for all Gateworks SBCs. The GW16099 JTAG programmer allows users to Flash images to many network platforms on-board Flash memory through a USB connection from ...
Board support package (BSP) minimum required version: 4.0.0 Programming language: C Associated parts: All PSoC™ 6 MCU partsSupported toolchains (make variable 'TOOLCHAIN')GNU Arm® Embedded Compiler v11.3.1 (GCC_ARM)– Default value of TOOLCHAIN Arm® Compiler v6.16 (ARM) IAR C/C++ Co...
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#define USB_CLASS_CSCID 0x0B //智能卡 #define USB_CLASS_VIDEO 0X0E //视频设备,如网络摄像头 #define USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC 0xFF //厂商自定义的设备 struct usb_config_descriptor{ _u8 bLength ;//此描述符的字节数 _u8 bDescriptorType; //配置描述符类型 ...
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