Collection 的数据名称很难有一个准则来给定,Universal Serial Bus HID Usage Tables文档 中将各种用途的用途种类(usage type)列出,使用者必须依据用途种类来指定Collection 的数据名称,例如鼠标,键盘和游戏杆的用途种类为CA,所以要用Collection (Application),而指针为CP,所以用Collection (Physical)。 编码 报告描述符的...
输出报告的用途类页不再是Key Codes,而是Page of LEDs,所以要重新声明Usage Page,而主项目为Output (Data, Variable, 48、Absolute)。这个项目的数据内容如同输入报告的最低8位所声明的主项目之数据内容,不再作说明。因为键盘接口的端点描述符只有声明一个中断型输入端点,所以输出报告需要依赖内定控制型端点0来...
A report descriptor can include more than one top-level collection. The HID class driver enumerates the top-level collections of an input device and creates a physical device object (PDO) for each top-level collection. 实现多个功能的话,报表设置里面可以使用多个 report descriptor,并且通过 report I...
USB报告描述符可以通过使用HID Descriptor tool来生成,这个工具可以网上下载。 下面通过由HID Descriptor tool生成的USB鼠标和USB键盘来说明一下报告描述符和报告。 code char KeyBoardReportDescriptor[63] = { //表示用途页为通用桌面设备 0x05, 0x01, // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop) //表示用途为键盘 0x09,...
// Keyboard codes // Note these are different in some respects to the TinyUSB codes but // are compatible with Arduino Keyboard.h API #define HID_KEY_LEFT_CTRL 0x80 #define HID_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT 0x81 #define HID_KEY_LEFT_ALT 0x82 #define HID_KEY_LEFT_GUI 0x83 #define HID_KEY_RIGHT...
Key Codes for Scan Code Set 1: 11 Key Codes For Scan Code Set 2: 11 Key Codes for USB Usage Tables: 12 Usage Page and Usages for Audio Control 12 Important Design Aspects 13 Sample Firmware Designs 14 Appendix A: Windows Standard PS/2 Scan Codes 15 General Requirements 15 Typematic ...
《USB HID键盘扫描码》.doc,Windows Platform Design Notes Designing Hardware for the Microsoft( Windows( Family of Operating Systems Keyboard Scan Code Specification Abstract: This specification details the PS/2 Scan Codes and USB Usage Tables that are val
romstruct{byte report[HID_RPT01_SIZE];}hid_rpt01={ 0x05, 0x01, /* Usage Page (Generic Desktop) */ 0x09, 0x06, /* Usage (Keyboard) */ 0xA1, 0x01, /* Collection (Application) */ 0x05, 0x07, /* Usage page (Key Codes) */ ...