为什么接入U盘后,电脑出现 「USB 集线器电力超过负荷 (USB Hub Power Exceeded)」的错误信息? 分类: 设定安装与操作使用 如果有过多 USB 设备连接到被动的 (没有提供电力的) USB 集线器,就会出现上述错误。 请使用有提供外接电力的USB集线器来取代,或是移除受到影响的设备,然后直接连接到电脑后方的 USB 端口。
一、power surge on hub port是集线器上出现电涌情况,出现这种情况可能原因如下:1、电脑提供的USB接口供电不足,可以换个插口试试;2、主板有问题,需要找专业的电脑店检测;3、主板驱动未安装好,重装一下主板驱动可以解决。二、电涌:顾名思义就是超出正常工作电压的瞬间过电压,被称为瞬变脉冲电压...
PowerSurgeonHubPort: AUSBDevice has exceeded the power limits of itshubport. I am forced to reset. Quick replyReply0 I would guess that your external DVD is drawing too much power from the USB port, and could be one of the older units; newer units are usually more...
51Reputation points May 28, 2021, 5:34 PM Hello I'm getting this Error Power surge on the USB port – Unknown USB Device needs more power than the port can supply. A USB device has malfunctioned and exceeded the power limits of its hub port. You should disconnect the device. I tried:...
USB HUB,电流限制问题 Other Parts Discussed in Thread:TUSB2046B,TPS2041 你好! 我们正在选择一款USB HUB. 在看TUSB2046B 数据表时,有个问题请教: 在Page 14中,是总线供电HUB, Ganged-port 电源管理。 问题是利用TPS2041这样的Ganged-port连接,如何能保证每个口不超过100mA.....
"Power surge on the USB port. A USB device has malfunctioned and exceeded the power limits of it's hub port. You shold disconnect the device." Starts popping of as explorer notifications today again and again. Problem is that there is nothing connected to my USB ports. A...
Error: This device can perform faster. This USB device can perform faster if you can connect it to a high speed USB 2.0 port. How to enable or disable the USB Charging feature to allow a device to charge while connected to a USB port. ...
在设备管理器中,下拉找到“通用串行总线控制器”选项。在该选项下,寻找标记为“未知USB设备”的设备,或者任何显示异常的USB设备。配置USB Root Hub:找到与问题设备相关的USB Root Hub。右键单击该USB Root Hub,选择“属性”。在属性界面中,切换到“[Power Management]”选项卡。修改电源管理设置:在...
Adjust USB Root Hub Settings: Open Device Manager Expand “Universal Serial Bus controllers” Right-click each “USB Root Hub” Select “Properties” Under “Power Management” Uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device” 2. System File Repairs ...
A USB hub is a device that expands a single USB port into multiple ports, allowing you to connect several USB devices to your computer simultaneously. Think of it as a power strip for USB connections - but instead of just providing power, it also enables data transfer between your computer...