To enable Universal Serial Bus on your PC you need to enter BIOS and enable the USB Ports. The steps are the same except the last step. We need to enable them from the disabled state. The above tip completely disables Universal Serial Bus on your PC but if you want to disable only wr...
为了禁用或开启的需要,我另建两个OU: Disable USB/Enable USB,1、禁止使用(将下面的代码copy到记事本,然后另存为.vbs),将需要禁止的电脑,移到禁用USB的Disable USB OU中,然后在此OU中的GPO调用下面的脚本Set objFSO = CreateObject(
”NextInstance”=dword:00000000 6、现在你需要将这个文件另存到桌面,并命名为disableusb.reg,要确保塔式一个REG文件,而不是一个TXT文件。这样当你点击桌面文件的时候就会自动关闭USB端口,当然,如果将“Start”=dword:00000004中的4改为3,另存为enableusb.reg文件,那么点击这个就会重新启动USB接口...
开机,按Del键,进入CMOS设置,选择外设选项(Integrated Peripherals),展开后将“USB 1.1 Controller”和“USB 2.0 Contr01ler”选项的属性设置为“Disableed”,当然改为“Enableed”后重启动,就是解禁。 这种方法一般不会被使用,因为,这样意味着所有的USB端口都不可使用,包括USB打印机、鼠标、扫描仪、USB无线网卡等。
以后要禁用USB时,双击disableusb.reg ,要解锁双击enableusb.reg即可。 方法二 通过一些电脑USB端口禁用软件、禁用USB存储设备软件来实现u盘禁用。 虽然通过上面的方法可以禁止U盘、屏蔽USB存储设备的使用,但是由于是采用注册表禁止U盘使用,因此一些懂技术的员工也可以通过反向修改注册表达到重新使用U盘的目的。因此,如果想...
1. Disable Or Enable USB Ports On Windows 10 Through Registry Editor (regedit) Using Registry Editor is a critical way todisable or enable USB drives porton Windows 10. So, if you find using Registry Editor comfortable, go on! Step 1:To open Registry Editor, type regedit.exe in search ba...
1] Enable, Disable USB Drives & Mass Storage Devices using Registry If the administrator is wise, then he would do this to ensure a tight blockade. He would alter the settings through the regedit command on the Run console. Now how do you unlock it? You have to go right into where the...
Step 4:To disable USB storage access, double-click the "Start" value and change it to 4. To enable usb storage, change the value to 3. Click "OK" to apply the changes. Note:Exercise caution when modifying the Registry as incorrect changes can lead to system instability or other issues....
To Enable or Disable USB Storage Devices Manually in Registry Edititor1. If you have not ever already done so, you must connect a USB storage device (ex: USB flash drive) to the computer now, and wait until Windows installs it and displays it in the Computer window with an assigned dr...