That's gives the volume serial number of the drive NOT the hardware serial number - two completely different things unfortunately - the volume serial number is allocated when device is partitioned and formatted and changes each time you format it Darren RoseThen SerialNumber from Win32_DiskDrive,...
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>SerialNumberOffset; if (nSerialNumberOffset == 0) { // print GetLastError() delete[] pOutBuffer; CloseHandle(hVolume); return FALSE; } strSerialNumber = static_cast<std::string>(pOutBuffer + nSerialNumberOffset); delete[] pOutBuffer; CloseHandle(hVolume); return (strSerialNumber.empty()...
I would love to see the ability to block a USB drive by it's serial number in Defender.When you see a USB storage device as the origin of a new threat...
CMD_TYPE_CSMI_PHYSICAL_DRIVE, // CSMI = Common Storage Management Interface CMD_TYPE_WMI, CMD_TYPE_DEBUG }COMMAND_TYPE; // retrieve the properties of a storage device or adapter. typedef enum _STORAGE_QUERY_TYPE { PropertyStandardQuery = 0, ...
CMD_TYPE_CSMI_PHYSICAL_DRIVE, // CSMI = Common Storage Management Interface CMD_TYPE_WMI, CMD_TYPE_DEBUG }COMMAND_TYPE; // retrieve the properties of a storage device or adapter. typedef enum _STORAGE_QUERY_TYPE { PropertyStandardQuery = 0, ...
Here's the code to query my C: drive directly using the IOCTL codes. For reference: Model (Product ID) is HFM512GDGTNG-87A0A Serial number is ACE4_2E00_0502_2B01. (yes that includes the trailing period) I've successfully queried the info with the code below. So all you need to ...
Following is the output of the above command ,its the listing of a USB pen drive connected to my system. The first line displays the bus-name/device-name & device-id/product-id and rest of the listing is self-descriptive. 001/004 0EA0/2168 ...
USB Version Number="1" Disable Serial Number="1" IO Pin Pull Down in Suspend="0" [Dual Device Specific Options A] RS 232 mode="0" 245 FIFO mode="0" 245 CPU FIFO mode="1" OPTO Isolate mode="0" High Current Drive=0 [Dual Device Specific Options B] ...
Choose the partition X (whereX is a number of the partition) Format fs=fat32 A selected USB device is totally cleaned & new partition gets created. Just close a command window. Afterward, restart the computer. Also Read:FIXED: Error Checking USB Drive Scanning and Repairing Stuck ...