此方法将为 USB 外部硬盘安装最新设备驱动程序。 选择“开始”按钮,在“搜索”框中键入“Windows 更新”,然后在结果窗格中选择“Windows 更新”。 选择“检查更新”。 扫描完成后,选择“查看可选更新”。 选中更新旁边的复选框,然后选择“安装更新”。 如果系统提示,请查看许可协议,然后选择“我接受”...
徵狀 當您嘗試存取外部 USB 硬碟上的資料時,可能會收到下列錯誤: USB 裝置無法辨識:連結到這部電腦的其中一個 USB 裝置已經無法作用,而且 Windows 無法辨識它。」 適用於:Windows 10 版本 1709、Windows 7 Service Pack 1 原始KB 編號:2654149 原因 如果存在下列任何情況,就會造成這個問題: 目前載入的 U...
建议:如果能进系统就安装鲁大师检测温度。排除温度过高蓝屏死机重启的情况 打开机箱。把内存条重新拔插一下。两根内存条的话。就先只插一根..检查CPU的风散是否正常运转,cpu和散热器之间是否有缝隙,硅脂是否干裂或损耗。加上硅脂,调试一下风散。把硬件全部拔下清理一遍。另外机箱既然已经打开了。就用...
Video Tutorial on How to Fix USB Device Not Recognized Solution 1. Reconnect the USB devices When you try to connect the USB ports to the computer and get the error message pop up, you might want to reconnect your USB devices. This action may solve yourUSB device not recognizedproblem in...
Error: Unknown Device - Windows Has Stopped This Device with Code 43 Don't worry if your USB flash drive or external USB drive is not recognized due toCode 43 error. What is Error Code 43? Code 43 error, it's one of the Device Manager error codes which says "Windows has stopped this...
Part 2: How to Fix USB Flash Drive Not Working in Windows To computer not recognizing USB error in Windows, you must first determine the cause of the problem. Here are some solutions you can try out: Video Tutorial on How to Fix USB Device Not Recognized ...
这是提示你使用的USB供电不足 需要使用外置供电 你可以换个硬盘盒了
The specific error message I am encountering states: "USB device not recognized. The last USB device you connected to this computer malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it." Despite trying different solutions such as reinstalling the drivers and testing with two different USB-C to ...