PortaPowis one of the most well-known brands in data blocking security. Not only did PortaPow invent the first data blocker device in 2013, but they also offer a guarantee, making them the preferred choice by many government officials in the USA, Canada, New Zealand and UK. In addition to...
or Add to cart Your price $10.99 USD In stock USA: 2,408 | CAN: 4 Volume order: Request a quote Reseller pricing: Create an Account Overview Technical Specifications Drivers & Downloads Product Support Description Partner Numbers This USB-A to USB-C Data Blocker cable lets you...
USB ports present risk of data leak from computers. The invention provides an electromechanical USB port protection device capable of mechanically block unused USB port, thus preventing the connection of any USB device to that port. Removal of the device requires electrically energizing the lock using...
This prompts a need for more sophisticated testing techniques that can effectively find bugs in the drivers' interaction phase, as currently, the Linux kernel primarily conducts initialization checks that detect invalid USB con- figurations, while the data transfer, i.e. device interactions, is ...