ランクC:一般的な中古品。傷や汚れ等はあるが基本機能(かならずしも全ての機能ではない)に影響は無いと思われる商品 ランクD:一部機能が正常に動作しない商品(何らかのが不具合が確認された商品. 機能はするがキズや汚れ、変色などのダメージが目立つ商品。) ...
Button Operations During the charging process: Short press the C button to cycle through the charging status of the 2 slots. Short press the V button to cycle through Battery Health, Internal Resistance, Charging Current, Battery Voltage, Charged Volume and Charging time on the LCD screen. Long...
c*4*b*** 可否退货: 不可以 购够网由商品页面挑出的重要提示 此商品来源于日拍专区网站 侦测到“故障品”字样,请与客服确认 此商品为海外发货,可能收取高额运费。海外发货进日本海关可能产生关税,需中标者承担 此商品注意尺寸重量限制,以免无法运输
4. When the setting is finalized, long press the C button to save and exit the Charging Setting Mode. Charging Current Settings Please follow the steps below for charging current settings: 1. After the battery is inserted and the charging process begins, short press the C button to select ...