There’s a schematic, and logic analyzer captures, and a board to refer to. Again, more than enough information on every single low-level detail! Otherwise, graban MCU pre-programmed to talk PD, maybea triggerboardchip, or maybe even a PD PHY andimplement PD communications with it directly...
英飞凌 EZ-PD™ 产品系列在业内率先支持最新 USB 供电 (USB PD) 3.0 规范,该规范可为笔记本电脑和移动设备提供更耐用的端到端供电和充电解决方案。英飞凌还提供其控制器的 AEC-Q100 认证版本,满足汽车级性能要求。 USB-C 采用纤薄型工业设计,连接器和电缆易于使用,可灵活传输多种数据协议(包括 USB4™...
Schematic CH32X035 F7P6 32-bit RISC-V USB Microcontroller CH32X035F7P6 is a low-cost microcontroller that utilizes the QingKe 32-bit RISC-V4C core, supporting the RV32IMAC instruction set along with self-extending instructions. This microcontroller comes with a built-in USB PHY, supporting ...
1) Please refer to schematic for reference. The DC/DC mentioned in the application diagram you shared is capable of different voltage configuration. It is controlled by GPIO through CCG3.The Charger and the vbus_c_ctrl is for...
USB-C Sink click schematic STUSB4500 datasheet NOTE:Please be advised that any peripheral devices or accessories shown connected to the Click board™ are not included in the package. Check their availability in our shop or in the YMAN section below....
Schematic (DSN) BOM (XLS) The firmware for CCG2 EMCA solution is available here. Infineon's EZ-PD™ Configuration Utility can be used to update the firmware. Need help? Ask a question and find answers in the Infineon Developer Community. Download Data Sheet EN CN JA Share 16_00 | 202...
pcbschematichardware-designsaltiumaltium-designerusb-hubpcb-design UpdatedNov 5, 2021 SoCXin/CH645 Star0 L1 R3:WCH USBHub+PD+ETH SoC (CH645) ethusb-pdusb-hubwchqitas UpdatedNov 2, 2024 A "SLuper SLimple" USB 2.0 Hub on a 1-square-inch board, using the SL2.1A IC ...
I am designing a HDMI sink device (UFP) over USB type C alt mode. I was reading through CCG3 tech notes and datasheets and I am still confused how I can design the HDMI sink for usb type C using CCG3 type C port controller (if at all we can do that) I have attach...
ST公司的STUSB4710是USB供电( PD)控制器,集成了放电通路,能在Type-C™配置通路引脚(CC)通信,以判断对所需要的消费设备提供一定的功率源.器件不用MCU就能处理连接到UFP或DRP,完全和USB Type-C™ rev 1.2以及USB PD rev 2.0兼容,主要用在计算机,消费类或手持消费类电子的AC适配器和电源,智能插座和适配器,电...
USB-C接口具有三个主要功能: (1)允许设备协商并选择通过接口的适当功率水平。 (2)具有可翻转的连接器。接口的设计使得插头可以相对于插座翻转。 (3)支持USB 2.0,USB 3.0和USB 3.1 Gen 2标准。 (4)TypeC基于CC1/CC2通讯支持USB PD协议,高通基于D+/D-通信支持高通快充HVDCP高通快充握手协议,前提是基于BC1.2协...