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打开包装,里面有USB-C to Lightning Cable(1m)与说明书。 线材长度刚好1米。 Lightning头,做工精良,上色匀称。 新款USB-C to Lightning Cable直径为2.85mm。 老款USB-C to Lightning Cable直径为3.31mm。 看的出来,新款USB-C to Lightning Cable比旧款USB-C to Lightning Cable是要细那么一点。 新款Lightning...
Say goodbye to crappy cables forever. Paracables are 7x stronger and last 5 times longer than the standard cable thanks to several innovations including our 32-strand paracord braiding and patented paraflex strain relief. 2-Year Warranty. Fast Shipping.
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裸电缆(Raw Cable) USB Type-C互连支持的最高信号传输速率 USB标准对Type-C互连定义了四种需要支持的最高速率: 1. USB4 Gen3: 20Gbps/Lane 2. USB4 Gen2 and USB3.2 Gen2: 10Gbps/Lane 3. USB3.2 Gen1:5Gbps/Lane 4. USB2.0: 480Mbps/Lane ...
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简而言之,如果你想过一种没有杂物的生活,不管是在办公室还是在家里,你都可以得到你自己的U盘,只有你用过它,你才能理解它的便利性。 在 CableCreation,我们致力于为我们的客户提供高质量的产品和优质的服务,不要再犹豫,用市场上最好的 USB C集线器开始简化你的生活。
USB C cables and PCI cards for adding Type-C USB functionality for a reversible connection allowing the use of various USB devices that are manufactured with USB type-C ports.
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We spent weeks testing an assortment of USB-C cables, and two rose through the ranks of our testing — an overall pick for connecting backup drives, charging phones or charging tablets, and a more robust cable that will do all that and charge a laptop.