装的新机子 技嘉H170-D3HP的主板 系统Win10 x64,从官网下驱动里面有一个USB3.1 FW Update Tool 看说明是 更新 USB3.1固件的 就安了 执行的时候说会重启几次 第2次重启的时候 就蓝屏了蓝屏显示 Bad SYSTEM Config Info 进入 恢复模式修复后 进入win10 该程序 继续自动运行 完成后 要求电脑自动关闭后拔除...
I update to this firmware and it does not solve any of my issues listed in https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/gaming-motherboards/can-asus-support-fix-realtek-audio-drivers-with-bo... Disclaimer: I am not an ASUS support person so my information may be incomplete. Always follow official docu...
已经安装thunderbolt的驱动,有了thunderbolt软件起先安装完USB3.1 FW Update Tool后,提示需要重启两次,后显示错误,未授权的命令。确认后自动重启。重启后无任何反应,后经过一系列操作,启动程序依旧提示需要重启两次,确定后,不报错,自动重启,进入系统后第二次自动重启。再次启动后,软件自动启动,并仍然提示需要重启两次。
Other Parts Discussed in Thread:USB2ANY TPS65988这颗IC没有billboard,如果要实现在线升级,就要另外增加一个USB转I2C Maser 的IC,是这样吗? 還是有甚麼建議或方法讓用户透过USB实现FW update? 謝謝!
KDS USB FW Update User Manual KDS USB FW Update User Manual Page 1 of 7111-38-URM-011 R2.30 Form: F-730-028 v1.00 111-38-URM-011 KDS USB FW Update User Manual
USB FW update – currently USB detecting and play. But, the main task is FW update to find root of cause failure – ex. Short cable as you planed.问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 null 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 USB 的固件更新——目前 USB 检测和播放。 但是 , 主要的任务是...
Finally, we were able to update the FW. First, I cleared the external EEPROM using the Total Phase AARDVARK SPI tool, and I also erased the internal memory with MiniProg4. After that, I successfully uploaded the modified firmware using the PSoC Programmer...
dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img count=1024 bs=1024KB (^ 将zero写入自定义的disk.img文件1024次, 每次写入1024Kb; 也就是创建一个1GB的文件, 用zero文件进行填充. ^) dd if=file.in conv=ucase of=file.out 2>/dev/null (^ 拷贝file.in, 并转为大写 ^) ...
"Asus_USB3_FW_Update_Tool_v30.zip" - has an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars based on 8 reviews, and has been downloaded 170 times. Compatibility for this driver update includes PCs running Windows operating systems such asWindows 8. The total disk space used for this update is ...
Error 0x227 SDK_NO_DRIVER Thunderbot(TM) UWD software ist not installed. Please install the Thunderbolt(TM) UWD software and rund the tool again. Any Ideas? Danke Problem gelöst :) Ich bemerkte irgendwann, dass das Dock auch kei...